Provisional license

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Wassup y'all welcome back and enjoy

Cassidy's pov
Work study was a month away but our provisional license exam had finally rolled around "I can't believe in just a few more minutes we're gonna be able to get our license" Mina said but everything stopped talking seeing Midoria was mumbling again "ayy shut up nerd"

"So yall excited?" I asked Jordan and Sero "of course, we're gonna be able to fight with the heroes after this" Jordan said "yeah and I mean this means we're getting closer to becoming heroes ourselves" Sero said.

After some time we finally made it to where the exam was being held.

We all start getting off the bus "oh you guys must be those UA, 1-A kids, I'm Shindo I've been wanting to meet you guys" he said giving off a strange vibe 'I don't like him'.

Shindo came over to me "oh you must be that girl, Shango's daughter?" I nod "woah that's awesome" he holds out his hand and I hesitate a little before shaking his hand.

For some reason after shaking Shindo's hand I felt a weird aura from behind me "you okay?" I asked Sero "yeah I'm good" I just shrug it off thinking maybe he was just nervously.

"Okay everyone go get dressed in your hero suits and we'll get started" we all left to the changing room.

"Did y'all get a weird aura from Shindo or is it just me?" Mina asked "no cause he seemed off to" I said putting on my boots and my hooded cape. (Lowkey forgot the hero suit so it's at the top of any of y'all forgot to)

"Welcome everyone, imma just get down to the point. Put those sensors on and you will throw those balls at your target, if you hit all three of the senders that gives you a point"

After explaining abs going on about sleep we were finally about to start "START' Shindo and his class run at us as we did the same but then he bends down and makes the ground shake making some people fly away.

"Let's see if the daughter of two pro hero's is actually strong" they all come at me ready to throw their balls but I had already called on a deity and manipulated the wind to throw the balls away "that's cute y'all think you gonna beat me"

I used Oya and manipulate the water molecules in the air and when throwing the now dense ball in my hand I hit Shindo on all three of his sensors "woah how she do that?" "She really is strong" I heard some people say.

Since I had earned all my points I head off to the observation room "good job Cas" Aizawa said "thank you Shota, you think mom and dad would be proud?" He nods his head "yeah they would, and actually I took a video to send to them. You're mom asked" I laughed knowing my mom would ask that.

Eventually more people start to come in and Sero had came in to "you did good babe" I said hugging him "thanks, but you were amazing" a group of boys walk over saying how strong I was and stuff and I noticed Sero's aura had switched up to like it was earlier.

I quickly thank the boys making them go away "Sero you sure you okay?" "Yes I'm fone don't worry about it"

"Now every lets get this next round going"

Y'all thought this wasn't gonna be a cliffhanger?🤨
Anyways see y'all later

Word count: 598

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