Time skip

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Cassidy's pov
It's been 3 years since graduating from UA and I finally had my own hero agency and was now the number 4 hero with Sero being fifth.

Me and Sero had moved into an apartment together and with the help of mom and dad it didn't take long to move everything in

"you ready Cas?" Sero asked wrapping his arms around my waist "yep" we got into the car and drove to our new apartment.

When opening the door we were met with all of class 1-A including a few from 1-B that we got along with.

"So you excited for your first night with Sero?" Mina asked wiggling her eyebrows "yeah actually, it sounds nice finally staying in the same home together" Mina giggled "well I'm happy for you two"

As we talked I looked around and there was only one person from 1-A who wasn't here which was Uraraka, since recently she was exposed for being the UA traitor and was now locked up.

Small time skip
I was out on patrol on the phone with mom telling her how everything was going till there was a villain attack "hold on mom" I said hanging up the phone running over.

It was a villain with a destruction quirk and was throwing cars and other near by stuff.

Right before attacking I noticed a familiar tape line "hey baby" Sero said wrapping the villain in tape and throwing them "you came just in time huh?" I said using Shango to send a lighting strike down.

Me and Sero fought together almost in sync and had took down the villain successfully.

After talking to police and the news talking to us, Sero started to get on his knee.

"Cassidy ever since we started at UA together I've always been in love with you and I want to finally seal the deal by making you my wife so will you marry me?" Sero said taking out a ring "Sero-" I was in shock and started to cry "yes I'll marry you" he gets up and swings me around and the bystanders clap for us.

We made it back home Sero not letting go of me walking to the room where we had sweet sex.

"I love you Sero" I said rubbing his head that was on my chest "I love you to Cassidy" Sero said kissing me

Obviously when news got out all the girls including Mirko and Mom came over at the speed of light to help plan the wedding.

"This would be cute" Momo pointed at a wedding venue that was surrounded by blossom trees "that's actually super cute" I said looking at the picture.

"So what you finna do for the honeymoon?" Mirko asked "I don't know yet, I wanna go to like the beach and Sero said he was fine with anything" "well the beach does sound nice" mom said.

"Hello ladies, you must be Cassidy" the lady at the dress shop said "yep that's me" she quickly takes us to where all the bridal dresses and I had already saw two dresses that I liked.

"You like these two?" The lady said "yeah actually" she nods and takes me to a dressing room to try on and show everyone.

"Wow" looking in the mirror I looked like those fairytale princesses that I've always wanted to be like growing up.

I walk out to show everyone and mom was in tears "my baby looks like a princess" seeing mom cry had started to make me cry as well "I love you momma" I said hugging her.

Once calmed down it was time to pick the brides made dresses which were Momo, Jirou, and because I wanted Midoria as well, and of course Mina my maid of honor.

Midoria picked out a suit with a light pink tie and I got the rest of the girls and mom hold pink colored dresses

I paid for everything and after talking to the caterer and confirming everything we all went to meet up with Sero and the other boys at a restaurant.

"So how did dress shopping go?" Sero asked "it was fun, what bout y'all" "good *yawn*" "aww my baby tired" I said in a baby voice pinching his cheeks "can you two stop with the lovey dovey shit" Bakugou said "last I checked you can't even keep your hands off Midoria" I said making both of them blush.

"You gonna be okay?" Sero asked as I got out the car in front of the hotel for what some people would say "my last day a free woman" "yes I'll be okay Sero, go have fun with the boys and I'll see you in the morning at our wedding" he nodded "okay, I love you" "I love you to baby" I close the door and after Sero drove of I went to the suit that everyone was in.

"Omg what should we do first?" Mina asked looking at everything the resort had to offer "I wouldn't mind going to the spa" Mirko said "same actually" we all grabbed our stuff and headed to the spa.

After the massage a facial I felt almost light as a feather and was just enjoying my time with everyone.

"Bro I'm telling you Kacchan's like a big baby now" Midoria said "nah you lying" he started to take out his phone "wanna bet?" He shows us a picture of Bakugou hugging up on him "damn I'd never think he'd be like this" Mina said.

The night was going well and we were just having fun "okay okay okay, before our lovely Cassidy gets married we have to do the number one activity" Mina said standing up "what?" "PILLOW FIGHT" Mina said straight up smacking me with a pillow "nah come here Mina" I said picking up a pillow and chasing her.

We started to calm down and slowly we all got tired "Ugh I can't believe you're getting married kid" Mirko said "me to, but I'm happy I am to someone I love" I said before yawning and slowly falling asleep.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐰𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1029

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