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Hey guys welcome back to my story. I would like to say that there might be a few time skips hope you don't mind. Also I will be adding the parents pov in this story so hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures in the story

A/u pov

Cassidy was born in America and is from the state of Texas. Her best friend Gabi is helping move all of Cassidy's stuff into boxes because she is moving to Japan for her parent hero job, but to also attend UA. Cassidy knows some of the staff because her parents sometimes had to go over to Japan to help the hero's.

Cassidy's pov

"ugh mom do we really have to move?  I'm doing fine here" I didn't want to move because I would have to leave my best friend Gabi behind "yes babygirl, i know how you feel but we have to for work and also so you can get a better opportunity going to UA" Mom was trying to have me understand the reason for moving "I know but I don't want to leave Gabi behind" I said knowing there was some sadness in my voice, Gabi was one of the first people to talk to me considering I had vitiligo and some people would make fun of me for it "it'll be okay, you're not leaving her behind y'all two can call and text whenever you want" mom had said while taping up a box of decor for my room.

Time skip
It's been a three days and it's time for us to go to the airport, "hey munchkin hurry up we gotta bounce" dad gave me that nickname because of how small I used to be when little "okay dad I'm coming!!" I said while coming down the stairs, "ight y'all we got like 4 hours till we get on the plane so we better hurry and finish our goodbyes, okay Cassidy?" Dad had said to his me while I was still saying by to my best friend "okay Gabi make sure not to forget about me and I'll text you when I make it to Japan" I had said while getting ready to walk over to my parents car "gurl I'm not finna forget you, and ight I'll be waiting for yo text" gabi had said while helping with some of the suitcases.

A/u pov
Cassidy is getting kind of anxious because now she has to start all over again at a new school. She won't be the only new kid since the entrance exam isn't till like two months but she still nervous since she's black and has vitiligo 'what if they they make fun of me, or just don't like me?' Cassidy thought until she remembered 'wait hold up I forget I'm a bad bitch (lol) if they wanna be rude then imma just pop them and do my thang' Cassidy was cut off when it was time to aboard the plane.

Cassidy pov
We get on the plane and I get the window seat. Just looking out the window and looking out as the world gets smaller and smaller makes me relax and make me feel like I'm a bird or something 'I wonder what uncle Aizawa is doing? Probably sleeping'

Marcus pov
We're on the plane and I'm not even going to lie I hate being so hight up in the air but as long as my princess and wife are okay, then I'll be fine. I can tell that Cassidy is a little nervous about the entrance exam, but I know she can do it, if anything I bet she'll surpass me at some point. I chuckle a little at the thought of my once little munchkin becoming a pro hero

Time skip
Cassidy's pov
We finally make it to Japan and we are now on our way to the new home where our furniture is already there. The Uber stops and I look at the huge house in amazement "wow mom and dad this house huge as fuck" I had said "I know, and don't cuss or imma pop you in the mouth" said my mom automatically making say sorry for cussing

This is the house

A/u povCassidy's dad just finished tipping the Uber and was walking towards the two "yeah this house nice" he said while unlocking the door to reveal the inside "Omg it looks so nice inside" (sorry I couldn't find a picture that I liked so just im...

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A/u pov
Cassidy's dad just finished tipping the Uber and was walking towards the two "yeah this house nice" he said while unlocking the door to reveal the inside
"Omg it looks so nice inside" (sorry I couldn't find a picture that I liked so just imagine)

Cassidy had found her room and headed to the bathroom to shower before starting on setting her room up.
"Wow that shower was very much needed, now let me start on my room so I don't gotta worry about it in the morning"

Little time skip
After a few hours Cassidy had finished setting up her room and was going to go see what her parents are doing.
This what the room like btw

Cassidy's making her way down the stairs till she smells something that could make anyone happy "FOOD!!" Cassidy says as she starts running to the kitchen

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Cassidy's making her way down the stairs till she smells something that could make anyone happy "FOOD!!" Cassidy says as she starts running to the kitchen. "Haha yeah princess we got some chicken since we haven't gonna to the store for groceries yet" Cassidy's dad said laughing a bit at how happy his daughter got over food. "Well come on y'all let's eat we can watch a movie and chill if you want?" Cassidy mom said while handing everyone their plaits "sure, OH I almost forgot to text Gabi hold up"

Them texting

Gabi BFF❤️✨

Cassidy: hey Gabi we made it to Japan, we in the house right now, what you doing?
Gabi BFF❤️✨: oh okay good, and nun I'm just chilling, I'm thinking of getting my hair done but idk what to get
Cassidy: okay let me see what you trying to get cause imma get my hair done for school so I need ideas
Gabi BFF❤️✨: okay hold up let me find the picture

Cassidy: hey Gabi we made it to Japan, we in the house right now, what you doing?Gabi BFF❤️✨: oh okay good, and nun I'm just chilling, I'm thinking of getting my hair done but idk what to getCassidy: okay let me see what you trying to get cause im...

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Cassidy: okaaaaaaaay period sis, you should get them they would be so cute on you girl
Gabi BFF❤️✨: okay, but now let me see what you finna get cause I know it's gonna be cute
Cassidy: okay hold up let me find the picture

Cassidy: okaaaaaaaay period sis, you should get them they would be so cute on you girlGabi BFF❤️✨: okay, but now let me see what you finna get cause I know it's gonna be cuteCassidy: okay hold up let me find the picture

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Gabi BFF❤️✨: omg girl they would look so good on you, you finna slay on yo first day lol
Cassidy: lol thanks girl, anyways I'll text you later byeee😘
Gabi BFF❤️✨: okay bye miss gurl❤️

Still author pov
After eating and watching a movie Cassidy had gone to bed early cause she was finna train in the morning with her dad.

Okay y'all thank you for reading I really hope you liked it and just to let you know there will be a time skip on the next chapter so just letting you know. Okay byeee
Word count: 1140

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