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The game had come faster than I expected. Before I knew it, I was walking into the stands to find a seat with my mom. I hadn't gotten an answer from Scott and never got a chance to interrogate him about my mind's discovery. They immediately went to practice after school and then now, the game.

As we took our seats, I scanned the field and saw Scott running back to the sidelines after throwing a few practice shots. So, the rumors weren't true and he was definitely playing. Maybe that's why he ignored my text, because it wasn't true?

I caught his eye and waved. Our mom glanced over to where I was looking and did the same. He smiled and gave a little wave back.

Even though the rumors weren't true, that didn't change the fact that Scott had still been acting weird. Not just about the game, but about Derek too. How did he know he was dangerous before the cops even convicted him of murder? Nothing was adding up.

"Hey mom," I spoke turning to Melissa. "Do you think Scott's been acting a little weird?" I questioned. Melissa glanced from me to the field and back. "A little, but nothing out of the ordinary. You're both teenagers, being weird is bound to happen," She joked making me laugh a little. "Yeah, I guess you're right," I said looking back to the field. "Maybe it's just all in my head," I whispered more to myself.

"Hey, so back to our conversation from the other morning. How's school been? You normally tell me all about it after the first week," Melissa asked. I tried to give her a little smile but failed, "It's good. Just hanging in there."

"How was Lydia's party?" She asked and I shook my head. "Don't know. I ended up leaving almost as soon as I got there," I stated and she gave me that same look everyone's been giving me for months.


She wrapped her arm around my shoulders bringing me in close. "It'll get better, one day at a time my love."

Shortly after she said this, the whistle blew signaling that the game started. Things weren't going too good in the beginning, but then something switched in Scott. He started running insanely fast around people and scored every goal. Everyone in the crowd was cheering as we were winning. As the rest of the game went on, everything he did appeared to be....inhuman? He kept scoring every chance he was thrown the ball, and each score was insanely perfect. Everyone in the stands were impressed as the final moments of the game came, including me. My brother had never been this good at lacrosse before.

It was now a few seconds to finishing, and as predicted, Scott scored the winning goal. Coach blew his whistle and everyone in the stands stood up cheering. The team ran to each other to celebrate, all of them mostly migrating to Scott. As his teammates were approaching Scott, I saw he was hunched over. Stiles slowly walked up to him, and just like that Scott took off running towards the doors for the school.

Everyone seemed to shrug it off, knowing he was probably just going to the locker room, and continued celebrating. However, I knew this was strange behavior for my brother, no matter what everyone else thought.

"I'll be right back," I said to my mom as I ran out of the stands and to Stiles who was walking back to the sidelines to grab his things.

"Stiles!" I shouted out of breath from the running. He looked up smiling at me, "Hey, you came!"

"Of course I'd come," I smiled back. "What's wrong with Scott? He just ran off," I stated. Stiles looked down and started gathering his things, unsure of what to say, which told me he knew what was going on. "Stiles," I said this time being as serious as ever. "I've been overhearing things, some stuff that makes no sense, but some that does. I need to know the truth, what's going on?"

Stiles looked as if he were about to tell me every secret that's been going on the past few weeks. However, something changed in his eyes. "Uh, he's probably just freaked out about the whole Derek thing."

I knew he was lying as soon as he said this. It was just another excuse, like all of the other ones they've been giving me.

"The whole 'Derek thing', whatever that even is, shouldn't be a worry anymore. He's locked away in jail," I said. Stiles looked up to me very seriously, "No, not anymore." I gave him a confused look and he continued to explain. "Dad told me they released Derek because the autopsy came back and showed it was an animal that did this."

I felt my body release the tenseness I had been holding in, I knew Derek wasn't capable of murder.

"Not only was Derek released, but the body was his sisters."

"What?" I said in complete shock and Stiles just nodded his head. Derek had mentioned it was only his uncle, sister and him. That means it's now just him and his uncle.

"I should probably go find Scott," Stiles said. "Yeah, I guess I'll just see him at home." Stiles started to walk away with his things before turning around, "Thanks for coming tonight Mia, glad we have a supporter in the stands." I smiled as he then walked away.

I'm going to find out what they're hiding, because Derek being released isn't an excuse for everything else weird that's been happening with Scott.

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