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***author with a daddy joke***
Hi guys,I don't know what happened to myself 😂, Iam even laughing at my friend's lame joke🤣 I will share one with you guys.
A man went to buy a cake and he bought,but as soon as he took tht cake,he flew away, why?
(Answer is in the comment section 🤣)



Both screamed at eachother until prem shut the door leaving Boun screaming.

Prem:What was that?(his booty booty dance)
[He said once he realised what's happening.]

He looked at his room key which says,
room no. 3216,then he looked back at the door which shows the same no.
He was confused why there is someone else in his room. So he decided to open the door,he hesitantly opened the door anyways only to see the same person on floor who is realising what's going on.

Prem opened the door halfway then the reality hit him so damn hard when he realised who was that,his love.

Boun looked up when the door opened again,it was the same when he realised it was,prem.

[he exclaimed]

~~~after few mins~~~

Both sitting on the bed, thinking how did they end up getting the same condo.

Prem:so when did you move here?

Boun:this afternoon.
[He said looking down,kinda embarassed to think that prem saw him dacing like tht in tht underwear.]

Prem:oh ok.so...you didn't say to me and why did you plan to move here?

Boun:you neither didn't say to me,It was my brother,He said "you have been under our supervision till now and it's already time to live on your own.You know every place so you no need help blah blah blah."
[He said without any expression]

prem:same dialogues...
[He thought to himself]

Prem:oh.so...wat are we gonna do now?

Boun:I don't know.

Prem:ah!! There is a person to answer all this confusion!!
[He said as he took his phone and stood near the window then he called the particular number "short bitch from Chiang mai." ]

After three rings,call was attended.

Earth: SURPRISE!!!
[He shouted before laughing]

Prem:wtf!!! My ears are hurting phi!!!

Earth:so? How was the surprise?

Prem:how did you made him to come here phi? How do you know he will come here? It was kinda unexpected for real!

Earth:okok.I will explain everything,actua- wait! Is this on speaker as usual,you bitch?

Prem:phiii! It was just once! Now tell me!!!

Earth:okok.Actually when I was in Chiang Mai.Fluke called me,we were talking for hours then he told me that he was planning to send Boun to dorm cuz he was pampered and looked over from young age and still,then I thought bout you, so I said to him wat I said to you then he agreed,so I called you to say this but you fucking bitch...you said Boun heard our conversation just because of your lazy ass,so I told you its a surprise. And the same condo,It was me and Fluke who came and bought the condo last week,I thought of arranging near condo but every condo was occupied so I got another room key.

Prem:woahh phi!! Your my fairy godfather!!! But phi,how did hia agree with tht?
[He asked in wonder how his phi think this brilliant]

Earth:oh tht,I thought of saying everything to your hia but...wat happened was....I started the conversation with saying to send you to dorm,he smiled happily then....he fell asleep smiling. I really don't understand how he fell asleep but he was so happy to send you away for sure.

Prem: heartless bitch
[He cursed internally]

Prem:oh...ok...who cares anyways...did you say anything to P'Fluke???

Earth:no,I didn't want to say anything until you guys are official,but make it soon bitch,got it?

Prem:yeah yeah,I will do my best to remind him.
[He said as he sighed]

Prem:and now...wat should I say to him?!

Earth:just tell him,its an accident and every room is occupied.

Prem:oh! Okok I got it!!!
[He said happily]

Earth:my dear bitch,I believe your words and I hope I can see you guys together soon.I did what I can,now it's your turn,I'm waiting to hear a good news soon,okay?

[He hummed as a response]

Earth:okay,your hia is whining for food so I will hang now okay?

Prem:hehe,yeah bye bitc- umm...phi
[After the call ended,he turned to see a cover of food with a man standing half naked wearing only the night pants.]

Prem: guess we need to share until phi finds another one cuz every condo is occupied.....only if it is okay with you....
[He said as he came to the dining table]

Boun:um...actually I don't have any problem with that...cuz we already shared room once right?
[He said with a smile which made a sudden reaction in prem, making him melt but he resisted]

Prem:ye yea yeah,we have hahaha
[He acted strangely cuz he couldn't contain the happiness that Boun accepted...well Boun would agree anyways]

They sat and ate the dinner together while having a small chit chat. Then they started moving things, arranging neatly and comfortable.

Well about the condo,it was comfortable and luxurious. Two rooms,
One with a sofa in the middle straight to the tv attached.A tiny kitchen on the corner next to the main door,with a dining table. In the other room,a single bed which is kinda big enough for three people,a study table near the window left to the bed side. Bathroom on the right side and a closet in the corner.

After a long hour of work,they unpacked almost everything and arranged accordingly.


Boun exhaled, jumping on the bed. Prem layed down next to him.

Prem:when I was at your home,you wear shorts and the T-shirt all the time but now your only in your pants?
[He just blurred out whatever came to him mind]

Boun:this is called condo privileges~~~
[Prem just laughed]

Prem:okok let's sleep soon since the club event is tomorrow.

Boun:yeah..but... lovely smut book two is on the way
[He said smirking]

[He said smiling and shaking his head ]

Both lied down on the bed with a maintained distance but as hours passed by,both ended up cuddling and sleeping in eachother's arms,Melting in eachother's scent and a smile  crept across both of their faces.

***With another lame joke***
Do you know why love is gay?
(Answer is in the comment 🤣)
Hope you guys won't send brooms and slippers to my home😂.
Anyways,share your thoughts in the comment section,hope you liked it,
Love you my lovely readers 💜💜💜


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