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Please don't misunderstand the picture 👆🏼it just matches the chapter..



It's 7 in the morning, Prem just woke up..he looked at the clock next to his bed and still rubbing his eyes to wake up from sleeping then finally he went to do his morning he is wearing his uniform ,white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned and black pants and a dark blue tie... walking downstairs holding his bag on the right shoulder..}

{Kao sitting on the couch with coffee mug in his right hand while reading newspaper..Earth in the kitchen, making breakfast...}

PREM:Good morning hia!😁

KAO:Good morning prem!(said while still looking at newspaper)

PREM:Good morning hia!(said while sitting in the dinning table and placing his bag next to him)

EARTH: Morning!😁I will make a cup of coffee na!

PREM:Okay hia..😊

{later Earth gave him a cup of coffee and his favourite Sandwich,}

PREM: Thank you 😊

EARTH:Prem,today Iam going to restaurant at afternoon only so P' will drop you,okay?

PREM:Okay hia

EARTH:Prem,Fluke told me that Boun is studying at same University as yours so you may meet him today(said while sipping his coffee)

PREM:okay p'...WAIT WHAT!?!(sandwich is still in his mouth and eyes bewildered)

EARTH:Yeah,but I don't know which faculty he belongs to, but I know he loves swimming,so you may see hime there!

PREM:He loves swimming too!?(woah man! really huh?!then I can meet him everyday😏)

{Said to himself while smirking}

EARTH:Yeah..Fluke told me once..and...(he looked at the clock)IT IS TIME TO GO TO UNIVERSITY PREM!!!

PREM:oh shit!Iam gonna be late today!!

{He said bye to Earth and ran towards their car outside,Kao was waiting in the car and Prem got into the car...he shouted to go fast all the way to the university which may even damage Kao's ear but Kao doesn't care so no problem...}

{They finally arrived,Prem stepped out of the car as he said bye to Kao and now he is staring at the huge building in front of him, even though he studies good,he hates to go inside but.. he is happy at the same time cuz he is going to study with BOUN!..He is standing in the corridor,he doesn't know the way to reach his class so he asked a chubby one else, it's our sammy!she turned back when she heard a voice approaching her.}

PREM:Do you know the way to first year's classroom in business faculty?(asked politely)

SAMMY:Yeah!Iam first year too!I will take you to classroom na!(says while giving a bright smile)

{on the way to their classroom..}

SAMMY:Iam Sammy and you?(asked with hands out for a handshake)

PREM:Iam Prem.(says while shaking hands with a smile on his face)

{Even though some says he is cold-hearted,he never hesitated to speak with anyone while... Boun is too shy to speak with anyone who is not familiar and that is the reason why he told Fluke that Sammy is talkative when she asked ONLY about his name and his club\_(ツ)_/[What to do with this kid huh?!] After a while,they finally found the classroom..Prem smirks when he looked at someone in the classroom,Sammy told Prem to sit near her and with her new friend..yeah it is Boun!}

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