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***guilty author***
Yes, I should have updated earlier than earlier...I guess u guys got used to all my lame excuses..k...whatever...hope you all enjoy this chapter instead of cursing me 😂😂😂

Boun's eyes started fluttering, ready to see the world. His head was banging...the effect of drinking yesterday. He sat on the bed, looked around finding himself alone in his bedroom. He felt something is missing...something huge as him...
The closed-door opened, and the huge thing he missed was walking to the study table placing the plastic bag and smiling at him.

He smiled back but his head is suffering a lot which made him groan in pain while placing his fingers above the brows trying to relax by massaging. Prem noticed and sensed it was an effect of drinking for the first time. He searched for a headache pill in the nightstand but all he could pick were junks.

Prem: I guess there is no pill Boun
[He said while searching in the drawer, hoping to find one]

Boun: There is no pill if it isn't in the nightstand... aishhhh where the fucking hell it is!!!
[His mouth sang when his headache increased]

Prem: it's ok, I will go buy them na!

Boun: but the medical shop won't be opened before ten.
[He asked questioning]

Prem: medical shop is opened in the afternoon Boun...

Boun:ohh yeah..wait wat!!Afternoon?!
[He shouted as he took his phone and checked, it's already 2 pm]

Prem: yeah.
[He just shrugged]

Boun: wat bout our morning classes?!!
[He asked as he was.totally.confused.]

Prem: calm down man! Today all our classes got cancelled, I received the message today morning.
[He said as he showed his phone, Boun sighed in relief]

Boun: why suddenly? Did our principal....dead!?
[He received a hit in his head as a reward for this question, it wasn't hard but making his headache worst]

Prem: you want our principal to die just to give you one day leave?! Huh! today a meeting is going on with our teachers and seniors...I still don't know wat it is about...
[He explained in short and Boun nodded in response.]

Prem:.k now I will go n buy the tablets okay!
[He said as he started to disappear from the room,Boun just fell on the bed back closing his eyes.]

A faint memory flashed in his brain saying, Iam yours forever. He blinked,not knowing wat and where it was from.What was that,was tht from any drama r something....but it was soo real as if he heard it himself in a whisper.He groaned in frustration that is making his headache worst than worst.

After a few mins, Prem came with pills and sighed when he noticed the plastic bag was still there unnoticed.
He took the plastic bag and opened it,went to Boun and sat in the corner of the bed.Boun sat on the bed,his brows were knitted,lips pouted,arms crossed... totally cute.

Boun: Prem...May I ask you something?
[He was still looking down,his face frowned]

Prem: yeah hone-
[He asked smiling,but his words were cutted with the unexpected question from Boun]

Boun:...Wat happened yesterday???
[He looked at the surprised face of prem in confusion]

Prem:you...don't... remember!!!!
[He asked...nono... almost yelled in shock]

Boun:hmmm......yeah... all I remember was until my brain started spinning...
[He said,the unknown memory struck again, iam yours forever.wat the hell!! Where it is from!! He mumbled in low voice with a perfect frustration on his face.]

Prem sighs heavy in disbelief,he really can't remember their confession and...their first kiss too.
He regret kissing him yesterday,yeah his first kiss. He may look like a playboy but he was never interested in anyone. But his lips curved up when he remembered tht Boun may not remember the things they did yesterday but still the words he uttered yesterday are true, right? So..there is a hope the he may remember later.

Prem shook his head,and gave the box. Boun's face explained disgusted.

Boun:whyyyyy did you buy porridge premmmm!!!!???? I hate porridge sooo much!!!!
[He said whining]

Prem: I know
[He said blankly]

Boun:huh!? Then why did you buy them prem!!!

Prem: I don't care,you have to eat them!
[He ordered him.]

Noticing no movements from Boun,he leaned a spoon full of porridge in front of his mouth. He gestured him to eat when his gaze met Boun's. But Boun's lips pressed tighter and he turned aside. The spoon flew in ups and downs in aeroplane movement but still his lips are closed completely which made Prem to say sorry and clip his nose,the only way to breathe.
And finally he succeeded when Boun opened his mouth for air,and the porridge entered his mouth at perfect time. After a short period of torture, half the box was finished.

Prem:good boy,now I will bring hot water na
[He said ruffling his hair and smiling before exiting.Boun stuck his tongue out,soo pissed off.]

While walking down the stairs.

Prem:He really don't remember our first kiss...ugh!! he is way more like a kid to handle. What should I do with him!?!?! He said shaking his head.

Then,Boun came and sat in the couch. Prem gave the pill and water.A horn sound was heard,Ohmfluck family came and Prem opened the door while Boun taking his pills. They smiled and Prem moved to allow them inside.

Fluke went straight into the kitchen to check if these kids ate or not while others were in the living room. Fluke came out with his most-angry-face and stood in front of everyone,arms crossed,making everyone confuse...

Fluke: where are those beer cans from!?
[He shouted,one brow raised]

Boun and Prem looked at eachother,
Boun mouthed him wheather he cleaned them or not,Prem nodded his head as no.They both gulped and turned their gaze to Ohm who is sitting behind Fluke.

Ohm stood when he understood that those were the cans HE HID. He started shouting at them to turn the blame on them but he is shivering inside. Prem and Boun stood too and looked at eachother, trying a way to escape.meanwhile Fluke looking at everyone's suspicious face.

Prem: P'Ohm hid those,we just drank but P'Ohm HID THOSE without saying to you! It's not our fault P'!
[He said to justify, Boun looked at him with wide eyes,Ohm started shivering outside too.]

Fluke's angry gaze turned to Ohm,and Ohm started to run away while Fluke started chasing him.They were running all around the house,Ohm screaming and Fluke shouting him to stop. Both Prem and Boun sighed in relief tht they succeeded escaping.

Tete: ugh.. my parents are still kids...
[She said and shook her head]

Then she went to her room avoiding those Tom and Jerry couple like a pro. Both Prem and Boun looked at her, watched her without blinking. But a screaming voice distracted them,and it other than our Ohm.

Ohm:You assholes!!! I will kill you for sure!!!
[He yelled while running]

Fluke: I will kill you before that!!! For hiding those cans and cursing in front of our daughter!!!
[He said while chasing Ohm behind]

Boun sighs and went upstairs to take some rest,and Prem stood and looked the couple,now he understands that not only Tete is a kid but the whole chaotic family.

Thank you for bearing with my late updates and lame excuses.💜
Please comment your thoughts below💜
Love you my lovely readers 💜

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