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Well,still I don't believe in miracles because i can't predict if anyone can understand my story or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but whatever..there will be atleast one grammar cuz I never wrote a story without grammar mistakes in my whole life,so...........

{It is 6pm,Boun is coming home from his college.It was the first day and he was exhausted from enrolling in clubs and managing stuffs..
Boun entered his house which is quite simple and small with gorgeous garden.Fluke was making some snacks for his cute brother and for his adorable Ohm.}

BOUN:Hia! I came back😊
FLUKE:Hi baby!!welcome back!!how was your day ?
BOUN:Hia don't call me baby..Iam not a baby..
FLUKE:You are my first baby then how can I not call you baby huh!
BOUN:Then tete(Fluke's daughter) will feel betrayed 😏

{then ohm came from upstairs after making tete fell asleep}
OHM:why are you both laughing without me🥺
Fluke whispered in Boun's ear (here comes my another baby)which is audible for ohm

OHM:yes! Iam your favourite baby,right!😅
Then the laughter sound filled the room for some time..
OHM:How was your day N'Boun?
BOUN:It was exhausting and boring hia..
FLUKE:Did u find any friends ??
BOUN:No hia..but there was a chubby girl,she came to me and introduced herself to me as she wasn't able to find her class but then she was same class I am..i guess she is quite talkative because when we were searching to find our class,she talked too much and asked a lot about me..
FLUKE:Hmmm.. friends like that are more supportive you know.. I too had a friend like that back in my collage and she was the one who always tries to light up the mood whenever I feel down..
{they were eating their snacks after a small chitchat and after sometimes..}
FLUKE:Boun, Earth told me that P'Kao's brother came today morning from solvenia to study in the same faculty as yours.I think you can meet him tomorrow at college.

{Prem stayed with his parents in Solvenia for three years and coming back to study business and also to stay with Kao.When Ohm was studying high school,prem was his junior..they were pretty close but prem had to change his school because he was asked to stay with his parents.they might not remember much but they still love to best friends,Prem call Ohm whenever he miss Ohm and same for Ohm...after partnership with Kao,Ohm came to know that Kao is Prem's brother.}

OHM:I miss him soo much🥺I want to see him now and I even tried to call him today morning but he didn't attend his call☹️
FLUKE:If you miss him this much then why don't we call them for dinner!
FLUKE:Okay,I will call Earth now.

{ringgggg ringgggggg}

EARTH:Hi Fluke! what's up!
FLUKE: Nothing...its been soo long since we saw prem so we planned to have dinner with you and prem tonight at my home..
EARTH: Ooo..wait! I will ask P'Kao..
{Kao shouting from another side(I told you several times not to touch my butt Earth!!😡Earth-I just wanted to...hehehehe🤭)
EARTH:We will be there within 30mins babe..
FLUKE: Okay Earth..I will prepare your favourite food☺️

{One hour later,Earth,Kao and Prem came in casuals, walking out of the car cooly with a bright smile and Ohm,Fluke and Boun were waiting at the door to welcome them.Ohm and Prem was sooo glad to meet eachother after a long time,Prem ran towards Ohm and hugged him tightly out of true friendship and Fluke was admiring the moment with bright smile but Boun doesn't know much about Prem and neither Prem do... whenever they see eachother there will only hi bye and nothing else..}

OHM:Its been soo long since I saw you,N'Prem 🥺
:Yes hia🥺Iam soo glad to meet you😊but hia...
PREM:Can you say the way to restroom😅..I have been holding for half an hour😅
OHM:You haven't changed a bit nong🤭
{says while patting Prem.Fluke poined his finger towards a room next to kitchen and said to come to rooftop after,prem ran as fast as he can but before that he said hello to both fluke and boun who was watching everything and they did the same..}

{Rest of them went to rooftop where everything was arranged and decorated with simple cute lights.}

EARTH:Okay! everything is perfect but where is our little tete?
OHM:She slept right away after drinking milk this evening..
EARTH:But I wanna see her😔(pout pout)
FLUKE:Okay okay! Boun will take you to the room.

{After hearing that,Boun stood from his chair and walked with Earth who was standing excitedly with bright smile and hands joined in excitement to see Tete}
{Earth asked Boun (how my Tete is doing nowadays?)while walking down the stairs then Boun was answering with wide smile on his face and then he turned around and started walking backwards in the stairs while saying about Tete...and suddenly he slipped!!!!!! when he realised that he is going to fall from stairs,he closed his eyes tightly and ready to fall from the stairs but.... someone held him by holding his waist by their hand}

I thought Iam going to fall but suddenly someone held me,his body was warm and his hands were holding me that made magic inside me and it gave me butterflies in my stomach and my heart was racing in the highspeed that I could hear well but I don't know why it is feeling soo good and I don't understand this feeling too...I never felt like this before..even though it was just for few seconds, I really felt sooo good...I opened my eyes and turned my head to see who made my heart race like this..
yeah.. I was SHOCKED!!!

I came from restroom and as they told me to come to the rooftop, I was walking in the stairs while looking down at my foot holding the handle with my right hand...when I heard someone, I raised my head to look who was that but!!that boy.. I guess his name is Boun... I don't remember..but whatever...he slipped when I saw him,I held him without hesitating a sec...we were shocked because I can feel his heart pounding like something and mine did the same and his ears were blushing when his eyes met mine...and I noticed he completely turned red as cherry...why Iam I liking this?(his ears with piercing turning red)what is this feeling inside me huh!!!

I think you will sleep too after reading this..if not then please vote or comment below so tht I will believe in miracles 😊😊

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