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***miss author***
Sorry guys, I was supposed to update earlier but I was quite busy editing for my youtube channel this whole week. check it out if you are an army too(link in my description)


{It's already 5 in the evening, Prem wearing his usual tee and shorts. He is waiting for Boun while playing with Tete. Prem looked up seeing Boun coming down. He is wearing his usual genuine smile, his hair is tied in manbun, simple cotton shirt with blue strips making squares, three buttons unbuttoned,long jeans. Boun
gestured him to come. They bid their goodbyes with Tete.}

They came out, Boun went around the car to start, prem's eyes were fixed on the motorbike that was parked.

Prem: hey! Is this yours?

Boun: yeah

Prem: shall we go a ride on it...its been sooooooooooo long
[Prem whined, Boun chuckled and went to take his bike key.]

There was an inch gap between them but it didn't last when they reached the speed breakers, being touched by others isn't a problem for boun but blushing and the unfamiliar feelings he feels when prem touch him 'only prem' is the problem. While boun is struggling so hard to concentrate on the road, prem enjoyed the view of shops lighting one by one since today the sky started to get darker earlier than usual and the presents of mist in the air making Prem regret wearing shorts. They reached the parking lot in the mall.

'Grrrr' this sound escaped from Prem's stomach saying him that he is hungry.

Prem: let's eat first! I am hungry.

Boun nodded.

They found a cafe when they entered the Mall, it already looks like it is going to rain today, so there wasn't a rush. When prem opened the door, the delicious aroma hit his nose making him melt on the spot, he stood there not moving which made Boun push him inside. They sat in the corner table face to face and the outside view was really great. the waitress came after noticing two pretty boys waiting, Boun ordered his favourite expresso and prem ordered list of snacks, it was more like lunch to Boun but he can't deny the fact that Prem is a foodie. Deadly silent was dancing in between them, they can't come out with a topic to speak about until the waitress came with their orders. They thanked the waitress after she placed the orders.

Prem's phone rang when he was about to eat, he sighed and took his phone to answer, It was from Earth.

Earth: hey! What are you doing?

Prem: Shopping with Boun,p'. What about you?
[He looked up at Boun whose eyes are fixed on his phone]

Earth: oh. Sorry for interrupting your date.
[His loud laughter was heard on the other line]

Prem: hiaaaaaaa! We are Just friends!!
[Prem said as if he was angry, but he was smiling when he heard that...]

Earth: ok ok...I came home safely, and I called you just to ask about you.

Prem:awww you are really caring bout me hia😍

Earth: nope, never. your brother torched me to ask how are you since you didn't pick his calls!

Prem: really?

Earth: yeah..then..caught you later nong, mom is calling, bye.
[He never hesitate to cut the call before receiving the reply¯\_(ツ)_/¯]

Finally, he can feed his hungry stomach without any interruption...
his cheeks bulged as he stuffed too much, Boun chuckled and told him to eat slowly.

They stood in front of the counter to pay, here comes the sugar daddy to pay...Boun stretched his arm with his card but Prem doesn't want him to pay so he showed his card too but they ended up arguing... the lady at the counter was pissed off and gave a death glare when the arguing boys looked at her, finally the argument came to end when they chose to play rock-paper-scissor and Boun paid cuz he won.

When they were about to leave, they heard a loud female voice calling them.Prem looked at the source of the sound, she was his senior, more like a friend,he smiled and went to her before hugging her.. Meanwhile, Boun stood where he was,crossed arms, face with one brow raised, hmm.. almost like he was angry and jealous after seeing him hugging that girl.Boun usually don't feel jealous until it's someone toooo close to him but in this case, Boun is soo jealous and possessive even though they became friends only two weeks ago.He really doesn't know why but he can't explain this with words...he was distracted when he heard Prem shook him and gestured to come out...[Boun spaced out for quite long]

Seeing Prem smiled made him calm and now he is not tensed rather he is smiling now.they spend the rest of time shopping.

~~~Two days later~~~

Days were great with each other, they spent most of the time talking, attending classes together, eating together, swimming together, and there was Sammy to make them laugh and Tete too.


It's just three in the morning and Prem woke when the heater stopped working unexpected.Today there was a down pour which made the climate too cold, he pressed all the buttons in the remote but still not working so he took his pillow and blanket and headed to...yes..where he should.

When he knocked the door, no response came so he knocked again but still no response so he invited himself in.

When he opened the door, the room was engulfed with darkness but a beam of light appeared.He walked close to the bed in tip toes not to make any noise, Boun was too into the phone not even noticing a human standing behind his back,he was smirking at the his phone which made prem to peek at the screen, it looked familiar app where he read FFs and smuts too....he was curious which one Boun is reading so he leaned closer, Boun was facing the opposite side so it was easy for him to get lil closer. when he peeked, Boun wasn't reading but typing one, the title of the chapter made prem shocked!

Lovely smuts pt:22

Boun!!! Prem shouted, Boun startled at the sudden voice and he almost dropped his phone but fortunately he catched.

[His voice cracked as he was caught by Prem]

Prem: so, you are the pervert writer who I desperately wanted to see.
[He smirked as he leaned over the wall, after turning on the night lamp.Boun looked around at the ceiling as if he doesn't know what is going on.]

Boun: hey! You are pervert too cuz you read them!!!
[Prem bust into laughter when he noticed Boun turned red but still trying to sound cool]

Prem placed his pillow and blanket on Boun's bed, Boun was confused...

Boun: hey...what are you doing here?

Prem: let's sleep together.

"Sleep together" Boun mumbled but it was loud enough for prem, his pervert mind was active so he thought something...he groaned when Prem hit his head so hard.

Prem: you perv,I will sleep next to you since heater in my room isn't working, anddd...don't imagine anything else mr.Boun
[He said as he laid down next to Boun]

Boun just nodded and buried his face under the blanket not to get caught blushing.

They slept next to each other.

***Sleepy author again***
I am soo thankful to you guys for reading and voting my story
(100+ votings(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ)
Never thought that my story would receive this much love and please share your thoughts, suggestions in the comments,luv you💜


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