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as usual....late update but not too late so whatever.... hope you guys like this chapter cuz I really enjoyed writing this chapter than any other chapter😂😂😂.
And yeah! Happy new year in advance 💗!!!!

Everything is almost done!!!

Prem shouted looking at the decoration they have done so far from afternoon,
well it's almost five in the evening and everyone is working their ass off for the club event except one.

Every year has been the same with boring swimming competition but this year got lil change,new games, snacks as reward and something more interesting.

Prem looked around,hands on the hips,half shirt unbuttoned, standing in the middle of the pool area while all others doing something productive.

One in the club: oiii!!! Prem!! You have been shouting at us for hours but you are not even helping us in anything!!!
[One said as he helped sticking the balloons around near the locker room]

Prem: oi! I have been directing you guys for hours till my throat become sore,and...I am the incharge,okay?!
[He shouted back]

The same one: Boun is incharge too! Look at him!! He is working for real not like you!!!
[Prem stuck his tongue out as a silly response]

Boun: Is anyone free? I want someone to help me!
[He said holding the stationery box which is obliviously showing tht he's gonna write something.]

The same one: This trash called prem is standing with no work so call him
[He won a glare from prem and Boun chuckled]

But anyways, prem went to Boun to help him as they head to locker room where the white canvas board which was kinda bigger than them,was placed.

Boun: As you know my handwriting is beautiful as mud,I will decorate the borders and you write this list on the board,got it?
[He said as he looked at the other]

Prem:ok! Fine
[He said as he rolled his sleeves up]

Boun:And yeah! Help me to move this to hallway,okay?
[He said as he started with the borders]

[He agreed looking at the list of games and events which is going to be held within few days]

After a couple of minutes, talking bullshit and laughing with eachother and,working on the board felt good for both of them.

They moved the canvas to the hallway holding each ends.

Boun: Finally, everything is done!!

He sighed as he turned back facing Prem and showing his back to the board which was placed near the door.
Prem was about to say something but he got cut off when the canvas moved forward straight on Boun,so he supported the board with his long arms preventing it from falling on Boun.

Boun almost choked on his breath and froze by the sudden action of Prem. After few secs, prem realised in what position they were in,face inches away that they can feel eachother's breath brushing their tender skin.They forgot the whole environment and stood as they were.Prem looked into the innocent honey eyes of Boun which was wide opened in shock.Prem started melting when he accidentally inhaled caramel scent from the other.

Prem: you still smell good
[He said as he sniffled slightly, inhaling the holy scent from the other.]

Boun: tha-tha-tha-...thanks
[He stammered,his cheeks and ears turned crimson,eyes shaky not knowing where to focus.]

They got back to the world when they heard a bang on the floor in the echoing empty hall but still they didn't bother to check where it is from. Then prem proceeded to place the canvas back as Boun moved away.

~~~next day evening~~~

All his backpacks were loaded in the trunk, address of the dorm and room number was already sent by Earth.
Still prem is not sure why Earth is super eager to send him away and the suprise mentioned is making him more anxious. Its not like they hate him but even hia kao didn't oppose P'Earth but smiling happily which is way more suspicious. And the highlighting fact is,when Prem asked "how can I eat when I dont even know how to cook?!" Earth just gave him a mischievous smile and pinched his nose and....went🤷🏻‍♀️.

But anyways,prem started the engine
After bidding goodbyes with hia and phi.

He found the dorm building which is just,literally JUST took 20 mins. It has no point in moving here anyways but he did.

When he was about to drive in,he saw that the gates weren't open even after the old watchman noticed his car coming,then he saw tht old watchman coming near after he horned,but Prem had some bad feeling bout it when he saw the trouble coming near.

Prem: Swadee khab
[He bowed as he lowed the window]

Watchman: WHAT IS THE TIME NOW?!?!
[He shouted that confirmed its a real trouble]

Prem:its...8:39,46 secs khab
[He said smiling innocently, inviting the trouble without his intention.]

[he shouted almost piercing through Prem's ears]

Prem:but this is the first time Iam even coming here and today Iam moving in ,khab
[He got pissed off but still trying to talk

Watchman:I DON'T CA-

He got cut off when he noticed a gang jumping across the wall,then he ran to them leaving Prem.He sighed then took this as a chance to enter in,he opened the gate himself as soon as possible.
After few hustle,he parked his car.

He took his key and backpacks,went inside to see the beautiful entrants,well the watchman may make him piss off but the building is quite rich and impressive.

He took the elevator after asking where his room is,to the same gang which came in just a while ago.His room was at third floor,and he walked down the hallway till he found his room.

He took a deep sigh,then placed all the backpacks down to open the door. And the locked door opened,he looked up to see the MOST UNEXPECTED SIGHT EVER that made him hung his mouth open,eyes widened in shock and...he stood still.

A man showing his back which is covered with elegant wings tattoo under the dull lighting of the room, wearing nothing but only his bright flashy orange underwear,hair dangling and brushing across his shoulders as his head is bobing to the song , headphones on with full volume, mop in the hand which is moving along with the rythm.But the important thing is,his butt is dancing up to the air and down to the floor as he is mopping the floor[he was listening to that kind of song],he continued moving his butt in the name of dance thinking no one is watching him while the man in the doorway standing as if he is statue,still holding the key as it is. But it lasted only until he turned around falling down and screaming louder than
Annalisa Wary who is holding the world record "most loudest scream ever".

Hope you enjoyed it,
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Love you my lovely readers 💜💜💜.

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