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Finally!!! Everything is packed!!!!

Boun said closing the zip of his suitcase.

Nah! U left this~~~

Prem said dangling the neon orange underwear, Boun blushed before grabbing. Prem chuckled.

It's the night before the trip day,I mean tomorrow. Nothing much happened,they ate as usual in the convenience store since they r too tired to cook n they slept.

~~~next morning~~~


Boun woke up terrified,soon he realised it was prem who is shaking him voilently to wake him up.

Prem: you idiot!! It's already 8:30!! We need to go before 9!!! Get up!!!
[Prem yelled at him, Boun got up soon realising they r gonna be late for the bus.]

After 20 mins of getting ready, they both walked outside with their bags, locking the door behind and checking twice if it's locked properly. Then they went to university in Prem's car reaching at perfect time.

As soon as they entered into the bus after keeping the bags back,they were welcomed with a loud shouting noise form the last seat,it was obviously from Sammy who is sitting next to Natalya,who is humming to songs closed eyes.

As prem move to nearer seat,boun followed him.

Time passed,most of them slept including Boun and few were awake chatting. Prem and Sammy were gossiping while nat was about to sleep.

The bus stopped in the middle of the crowded market which is really famous, they gave 30 mins to use the restroom or to buy anything.Boun,nat and Sammy were dead sleepy but the boy in blue shirt ran off the bus to use the restroom and it's none other than our prem.

After few mins, Boun woke up to find himself alone in the seat,he looked around to see nat and Sammy sleeping their mouth open but the boy near him was missing. He stood and looked around,maybe he could be sitting with someone else...but....the boy wasn't in  sight...

The deep pit inside Boun's heart started beating heavy,his mind is blabbering all the negative things but still he searched around once again...the thing he is afraid the most is...prem is new to this place.

He ran to Boss and told,when he was saying to Boss,he felt himself getting tensed,terrified and empty. Soon after he said,boss said to turn the bus back to the market.

Boun felt himself getting tensed more and more as time passes by,as soon as the bus stops,he stepped out of the bus it was more like jumping out,his eyes started roaming as his legs started running. It wasn't that much crowded since it was kinda afternoon.

Boun took few turns and peeped into all the shops possible but no sight of him and shouted his name for countless times.

His eyes started blurring,the world infront was bout to collapse as his knees were already on the ground,he could still hear someone calling prem since they are searching too.

But all of a sudden...

All his hope came back all at once,adrenaline rushed too fast when a similar figure was standing near a shop eating something. He ran towards the figure as fast as he can,he could hear his own heartbeat but he didn't mind hearing them for someone who he already gave his heart to, when he ran too fast,the figure turned around shocked,and yeah...

Boun couldn't control his tears which was already floating,he hugged his tiny gem which he lost a while ago,well... that was more like a squeezing. Then soon he started to shout at his man.

[He fell on the shoulders of the other one who is stunned and couldn't utter a word]

Prem could hear the heart beating like hell for himself and the other one too,he was touched when he realised that Boun love him no matter even if he forgot bout his proposal. And his eyes started watering when Boun looked  with his shiny eyes wet,it was more like staring into his soul,no words were uttered later,only the eyes were talking but...It didn't last for long...😑

A thud was heard...and prem fell on unconsciously...when Boun looked was boss.

Boun:PHI!!!! Wht did u do to him!!?!!!!!
[He said holding the full weight of prem on him and giving a death glare]

boss: um...oops...that wasn't intentional him up!!!
[He said scratching his neck...but Boun was fast to wake him up by tapping both of his chubby cheeks]

Prem:sorry boun....when I came back,our bus wasn't there...I searched searched and searched but I got lost and I didn't have my phone too...glad I atleast had my you want some?(he showed his snacks to the other)
[He apologized to Boun who's not even turning his side...they were walking back to the bus]

Boun:fine fine...but still I can't believe how could you eat even when ur lost...
[He said giving judgemental looks,but prem didn't mind tht as he was enjoying the snacks]

Both nat and Sam was standing outside the bus tensed,as soon as prem walked in,he received the same gift from both of them.



When nobody is around,the sound of waves could be heard,the sight of sun drowning in the sea could be seen,the feel of calmness could be felt,the smell of beach could be smelled,it was a great moment to close the eyes and feel was all destroyed when the packet of chips opened blasting near his ears. know who it is 🤷🏻‍♀️

Prem sat down near to Boun. Both didn't utter any words until a bag of chips was in front of Boun's face, he smiled and took a chip.

Prem: you know what....I actually don't like sharing my lays with anyone in this whole world except my boyfriend...
[He said looking at the sea,and munching the lays,smiling] you have a boyfr-
[At first it was like a heart attack to him,then he realised he was the one who's eating.... confused af]

Boun is confused...well it's being confused...why he didn't mention "The person I like r love" but rather "BOYFRIEND" as if they are already in a relationship....

Looking at his shocked and confused face,prem took the courage to do it! Now!

Prem: you dumb won't realise until we kiss again
[Even before Boun's brain process,he was straddled and pushed behind laying on the sand,glad nobody is around...]

Heartbeat raises,the heat between them raised as well,lips brushed before capturing,the taste of eachother mixing well,eyes closing, tongue started the sword play, meanwhile inbetween the teeth drawing blood from the soft lips, felt familiar to Boun.

The memories back,taste of beer on the lips, those honey coloured eyes and...the proposal.

After few minutes of kissing deeply,they broke up due to lack of oxygen,a string still kept their lips connected,so sexy🤤,both breathing heavily but not breaking the eye contact.

Boun: Together forever? Why didn't you say me earlier
[Asked his eyes wide, wondering why he didn't realise it soon or the other one didn't say him]

Prem: I want you to realise it yourself babe
[He's still on the top, saying it with confidence and the word babe made Boun's cheeks to blush]

Boun:love you mr.mine
[He said smiling]

Prem:haha,love you too mrs.mine
[He said chuckling]

The courage to say your love is kinda hard,but still if you get a chance to say it,just do just do it!!
And...this book's season one just end here but not the story my lovely readers and the season two will be out in the June...and I got lil time today so I made use of it,and....I have lil gift for you guys...and tht will be out lil bit later but not too long😅.


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