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***Author with writer's block***
Hm...yeah...I wasn't able to write anything for a while and that's the reason for late update...there isn't much in this chapter so don't except much my lovely readers 😬

Both hearts pounding, not knowing what to do, whether to move or to stay until...

Come down to eat~~

Fluke said from downstairs, after a long staring competition, both moved looking around out of shy, and kinda.. embarrassed. It felt familiar to both of them the awkward atmosphere, looking around but no one dares to look at hit Prem's head that the party night had this kind of atmosphere when he held Boun in his hands.

Prem stood up, trying to change this awkward atmosphere.

Prem: I'm hungry, so I will go first na

He said with a fake smile and ruffled Boun's soft hair, trying to be cool. When he exited the room, he rushed to the wall to lean on and sat down with palm on his chest to make sure his heart won't jump, exhaling heavy to relax and closing his eyes, head leaned on the wall, something felt uncomfortable in his pants which made him look down, he sighed when noticed the tent in his pants again...he never expected that JUST looking at this beautiful person close could make him hard and it was not the first time.

Well...when they had their first kiss, Boun wrapped his legs around his waist closing the 1cm distance between them, both of their members slightly brushed against the clothes they wore, sending sparks down the spine, becoming hard and he felt the other getting hard too so he deepened the kiss and made the other to moan which turned him so much...but when he wanted to make the next move, two reasons hit him hard to stop, Boun was completely drunk and now it is a relief they didn't cuz...Boun don't remember anything and the second reason is, they are just eighteen to do it and they need some more time to get along and love and stuff...

A soft voice distracted him from his thoughts,making him to look up

Boun: what are you doing here?

It took Boun some time to realise what's going on and what this Prem boy was about to do, and it ended as usual....being confused. But one thing was clear to him, if he thinks what is going on with Prem, he may end up in the psychiatric hospital so he just let go of his thoughts and to go have dinner. But a huge figure on the way stopped him.

Prem:me?...searching...for my car key!yeah my car key!...
[He stammered,his brain didn't process before blabbering]

Boun:car key?? don't have a car Prem...
[He asked with a confused look]

[He cursed internally] go first na! I will come behind you!
[He blabbered again]

He sighed out of relief when Boun successfully nodded and went without asking further more questions. After doing some crazy stuffs {don't think anything pervert,I meant some exercise} , finally he came down. He sat near Boun as usual and sniffed the aroma of delicious food in front which made him drool. Fluke smiled looking at Prem smelling all the food,eye closed enjoying the aroma and placed the plates on the table.

Prem burst into laughter when he looked at Ohm with bandage on his forehead. Ohm gave a death glare but still Prem couldn't stop laughing even when tears gave a visit,but he shut his once Ohm gave him a dead sigh by drawing a line across his neck with his hands from other side of the table.Fluke noticed and said,

Fluke:Don't scare him love, deserve this baby
[He said with the usual smile but pressing the bandage on the forehead with his thumb made Ohm scream a little out of pain,very painful right?!. Everyone laughed at him]

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