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***sadist author***
I could have updated earlier but I wanted to read your comments on a special day like today,hehe sorry for being a sadist na😜

Its 8 in the morning,alarm piercing through prem's ears.He opened his eyes and it felt familiar, same heavy sleeper hugging him,he smiled and went to bathroom without waking Boun.

After a fine 30 mins,he got ready and went down holding his suitcase.He noticed Ohmfluke in the kitchen,as usual flirting with each other and cooking.He got used to it so he just went back to Boun's room after keeping his luggage near the couch.when he saw Boun sleeping in tiny,hugging the pillow instead of him,a smile escaped and he went and sat in the corner of the bed near Boun. He couldn't stop looking at this beauty and he can't get enough of it too. He sights when the same bothering memory popped up in his mind.His mind was wandering but his eyes were on Boun,hands automatically removing strands of hair from his forehead.He kept looking and out of blue, he went closer and kissed Boun's forehead.His eyes started flickering when he realized that he kissed him absent-mindedly...Boun
started moving a bit,feeling warm but sleepiness engulfed him again so he slept again.

soon prem got up and walked out of the room,a message popped up in his phone...

Hia(kao):we will come lil bit late since we got stuck in traffic!!okay?!

Prem went down and the breakfast was ready so he started eating while chatting with Ohmfluke. Boun came down half asleep.

Fluke:oh! You woke up earlier than usual!!

Fluke said surprisingly, Boun just gave him a tight lipped smile. Both Ohm and Fluke noticed the grumpy face of them,but didn't ask anything. After few minutes,Tete came and joined them.

Later,a horn was heard, Boun face became a lot pale,he couldn't figure it out why but still his heart is heavy,his eyes felt watery but didn't come out,not knowing the reason...

Prem went out and noticed two cars instead of one,but the second car was new and decorated which made him kinda confuse. Earth came out of the second car shouting and gave the car key to Prem.

Earth: surprise!!! Here is your car!!
[Earth said smiling like a sunshine]

[he said while hugging his dream car,now a lil bit change in his mood]

Everyone smiled heartily at Prem.

They still had time to go to their home,Earth was busy adoring Tete with his brightest smile but steal glance at both boun and prem,kao was explaining his worst tour experience to Ohm and Fluke. Boun and prem sat near one another in the couch since kao tortured them to listen to him. Both nodding as if they are listening but none of the words were registered in their mind,it's all concentrated on one another.

Each second passes, prem felt a lot anxiety inside him,it's not like he never gonna meet him again but still he isn't sure if he is going to miss Boun or this whole family. Unexpected events from last week flooded in his mind making him miss this home sooo much but a corner of his heart is still happy cuz he can meet Boun in college and also in club everyday.

Later, kaoearth drove followed by Prem in his new car. Now it's a mixture of feeling, happy for the car,sad for boun.
The day passed with mixture of emotions,and now it's almost 8 in the night,Earth approached prem who is in his room,with a mischievous smile but prem didn't mind.

Earth:it looks like someone missing something huh?!
[He said with a mischievous smile,prem still not sure bout tht smile but he
knows tht smile is something suspicious]

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