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I have watched this fmv more than thousand times 👆and Iam recommending you too to watch it cuz it is really really good!



Its 8 in the morning,Iam sitting in a new cafe near my university, it's been only one week since they started this cafe and this place is really beautiful with classical theme which is soo attractive and there are only few people but mostly students from the same university as Iam.I came here nearly twenty minutes ago,I ordered only expresso cuz I love to drink it under the morning sunshine, atmosphere here is soo good with the slowed music playing behind.I planned to sit here and complete my assignment without any interruption...

I planned to sit here and complete my assignment without any interruption

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{Imagine this as the cafe👆}


I checked the time right after I completed my assignment peacefully as I planned and I still have nearly 30 mins to go to my class.I don't know what Iam going to do so Iam just going to drink another expresso and wait here.

I stroll down my insta,I saw a lot of posts and...his pics just popped,
yeah..that soon as I saw his bright smiling face,cute big blue shirt with a teddy face in it and dark blue jeans,he is standing under the beautiful sunset..

as soon as I saw his bright smiling face,cute big blue shirt with a teddy face in it and dark blue jeans,he is standing under the beautiful sunset

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{Sunset in Slovenia,where Prem stayed 👆}

I started to remember what happened in the past days like a film roll in my head scrolling from side to side and all I can remember is BLUSHING AND MAKING AN AWKWARD ATMOSPHERE!! I really don't know why I blushed crazily like that in front of him even though I met him before that day(party)... this what they call one magical touch~~

WAIT!What Iam even thinking ahhhhh!!!! I must have gone crazy to think that but whatever I have to stop blushing...

A ridiculous idea popped in my mind,I know it is ridiculous search in internet is the best idea cuz it is the only one who can answer all the dumb questions,I quickly exit all the pages and searched in youtube...


I got lot of recommendation so I clicked one of those... I watched full lengthy video but the only thing I could understand is..

Become friendly...

I started to think about it,being friendly can stop me blushing!? Well..I don't know but I guess I should give a try cuz I know we are in the same class,same club and he will be staying at my home for the next whole week...but...I really don't know ho-

Some voices distracted me from my thoughts..and it was none other than Sammy and Prem,they sat in front of me...

Sammy: Hi Boun! what are you here?!

Boun:hmm.. nothing just now I completed my assignment and what bout you both!?

Prem and Sammy: assignment?(confused look on both Sammy and Prem's face)

Boun: why, didn't you complete your assignments?!

Prem and Sammy:we don't even KNOW about it...

Boun:I guess you can do it now cuz..
you still have 30mins

Sammy:shall I copy yours(●__●) cuz I didn't take notes..


{He gave the notes to them and they copied really fast and gave back to him..}

{They have only ten more mins so they started move out of the cafe after paying...}

{On the way to the class}

Sammy:I don't know why those girls where looking at you like tht!?


Sammy: not you! Iam talking to Boun,move aside

Boun: those were looking at me more than one hour,I too don't know why!?

Sammy: you noticed them?


Sammy:(sigh) this is the problem when you are beautiful,see.. bun, tattoos on your hands,those piercings and a beautiful looks like you are a whole package..

Prem:Oii Sam,are you hitting on him huhh?!

Sammy:WTF!he is my friend! Iam just saying the reality man!

{Boun doesn't know how to he gave a usual smile...}

{They all went to the class on time and the professor asked about the assignment as soon as he entered the class.Now Boun is an angel to both Sam and Prem for letting them copy his assignment.}

{The days passed like this.. attending all the boring classes, eating together in the canteen, chatting...Boun actually doesn't feel awkward or irritated,since both of his friends chat and laugh about the things Boun feels free to talking with classes,club,and some stuffs bout themself..}

{Sammy went to the acting club which she is terrible at but she still hope that she can make it one day...Prem and Boun went to their club.. nothing special happened,their regular training started few days ago and today Boun trained little extra after everyone left the club as their club president allowed him to practice.}

{He walked towards the locker to take his clothes and he gets closer to the room, munching sound
increases,Boun is quite scared now cuz he knew everyone left the club and he is alone...he walked slowly with lil fear inside...he took a deep breath before entering was...Prem enjoying his lays alone...Boun is relieved now cuz it's not a ghost or something just our Prem..}

{Boun knocked the door before crossing his arms leaning against the door.Prem turned with a doe eyes to look at him, now Prem looks like a baby caught eating made Boun chuckle }

Boun: I thought you left!?

Prem:yeah,I was about to but I got soo hungry😬 you want some ?
(He showed another bag of chips to him)

Boun:no,hia will be making snacks for me right now so it's ok.

[Wow!what a lovely brothers 😍]

{Boun reached his locker and took his things,he turned back and saw Prem with a smile coming closer and closer to him..his back leaned on to the lockers..his shirtless body is just an inch away,they are standing face to face...Boun's heart beating fast,eyes widening,ears and cheeks turning red, hand turning into fist,lips pressed together,he gulped...the shyness he hid for days is BACK!!! Prem wants to play he started getting closer and lift his left hand and opened the locker with the key he had in his hand,he looked at the frightened and surprised eyes which made him smirk.he got back after opening the locker still smirking...and went out of the room after grabbing his bag while waving from the back to Boun.Boun is still standing where he was..he realised he is red,he feels too awkward now so he quickly grabbed his dress and changed and went out of the campus to get some air and to relief from the awkwardness....}

I wasn't able to write anything for past few days but now I came up with an idea(glad)..and feel free to ask any doubts or suggestions or even advices,
Thank you my lovely readers 😉


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