953 51 19

***Author nim***
Finally I updated after receiving too many loves from my lovely readers💜
This is the longest Chapter but hope you will enjoy 😉

They had their lunch and they bid their goodbyes with Sammy who is heading to her acting club. Prem and boun went to their club and as usual, their club President scolds them for being late. Both of them showed their teeth from side to side which made them run to the changing room from the chasing President.

They came running to the pool after changing their dress, club President shook his head and sighed in disbelief how come the best swimmers of the club can come to the club late every single day.

After sometimes, practice got over for everyone except the best swimmers and the reasons are, being late and the extended practice section for the upcoming competition. They did their best and Prem learnt few tricks too. Prem changed his uniform and waiting for Boun outside.

Boun locked the locker room and walked across the pool, suddenly he heard a voice, a female one approaching him.It took him few seconds to recognise her,he looked at her suspiciously cuz she was the one from the cafe looking at him for hours, running behind him every single day,he noticed her before but never cares bout it.and well...she wasn't good looking enough for Boun and yeah no one can except someone...

She stood in front of him, she was looking down with smiling face, Boun wasn't a bad guy and that's the problem why he was standing there patiently.

That girl:hmm..P'....
[She was looking down out of shy]

Boun:May I help you?
[He was completely annoyed cuz he really wanted to go home right now and sleep well]

Girl:Hmm...p' I wanna say..... something....

Boun:say what?

Girl:p'...I am Natalya..from first year science...and I wanna..wanna..say...
that.... I ... guess...Iam....in....love with you...
[She leaned her hand with a card,still looking down]

Boun was standing emotional less,
Before he could say anything,A loud voice was heard from the doorway.


Prem was waiting near the doorway,the whole room was quite dark except the way Boun heading from,he saw a girl approaching Boun,he was kinda jealous but he stood there not to interfere.Her words echoed the pool even though it wasn't loud,there was a pin drop silence tht allowed to.

He heard that girl's proposal,he doesn't know what got into him making him to say those and interwine his fingers with Boun's when he went to them. Believe it or not, when he heard her confessing he felt someone is asking his own treasure even though this feelings can't be explained by words.

Boun was speechless because of the sudden feeling inside him,he was sure that his heart races,his whole body is burning making his face and ears red.The sudden change happens only when he is with Prem.

The whole disappointment was visible in her face, almost her eyes got blurred with tears, she never knew her crush would be in love already. She ran away not to shame herself infront of them. Poor girl.

Boun slightly turned his head,looked at Prem who's face is completely angry but still hugging his hand.

[He yelled out of the unknown feelings called jealous and anger]

Boun: nothing...
[He looked at their hands,Prem let go off them when he realized.]

Prem was looking outside the window, still he doesn't know what made him to say that but he was jealous for sure.Boun was trying to focus on the road but still his mind is focused on the words Prem yelled.
Was he jealous? these words kept his brain busy.Deadly silence was dancing in between them,he looked at Prem and still he looks angry.....
They reached home,the whole house was dark which made Prem confused.

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