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Now I really started believing in miracles since you started reading my story too..
I don't show my writing skill here cuz I don't have any¯\_(ツ)_/¯but I would like to detail the idea in the story 🤓
I hope you will understand and enjoy the story( ◜‿◝ )♡



It was just for few minutes...I let him when I heard P'Earth's voice.. as soon as I let him..our eyes started flickering and we both turned around and started looking around out of embarassment..but still my heart is pounding so I just went to rooftop after P'Earth..he(Boun) is still standing where he he still in shock!?!


Iam flustered and now Iam Red too!! P'Earth noticed everything but he and that BOI!!! went like nothing  happened..It is making me more and more red man! I just need to go with them now.


It was little shock to me cuz at first  I thought there was nothing..just preventing from falling but later..the way they made eye contact and stared at eachother looked familiar...maybe when P'Kao and me look at each other??...later I broke the silence just by telling them to come to the roof and I just noticed the embarassment between them but I don't want them to be awkward so I called them to come fast.

{Three of them went to rooftop,Ohm and Kao were doing some chit chat and Fluke was playing with his phone,Prem greeted Ohm and Fluke with a soft he is normal and eating his main dish but Boun is the one blushing more and more whenever he steal a glance at Prem..The meal was great and everyone enjoyed except Boun who was in deep thoughts...finally they came to dessert...}

KAO: Today's meal was great as usual🤓 Let's thank Fluke for this great meal !!!

FLUKE:Thank you p'!😊

KAO:Ohm...will you do me a favor..??

OHM:Anything ma friend😁

KAO: Actually Iam going on a business trip next week fully and Earth is also going to his home town so,Prem is actually new to Thailand he doesn't know anyone else except you both and he can't cook also((Hotels are little far from their home so Prem can't go often and There is no maid to cook for him since Earth refused to allow any maid inside.)) we are planning to let Prem stay here for one week.

{Prem wasn't that surprised because he knew this situation may happen if he is going to stay with his busy brother and he is quite happy cuz he can know little bit about this blond,lean,tall with beautiful piercings..guy}
{Boun's reaction was speechless like this👇🏻

guy}{Boun's reaction was speechless like this👇🏻

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Yeah...he choked and splashed the juice he gulped just now..Ohm was pating Boun's head and gave him a cup of water while saying [I told you to drink your juice slowly na..see now]no one had a clue why Boun choked except the one...who is looking at Boun suspiciously.}

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