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***LATEst writer***
I am really really sorry guys for not updating earlier and I was quite busy for no reasons....k..lets read

Prem's eyes are still shut, he felt his surroundings when he tried to wake up, he felt something heavy laying on top of him and his chest felt wet through the cotton shirt he wore, it was not because of the sweat but something else, small snoring was ringing in his ears, it made him wriggle from the grip. He slightly opened his eyes, when he looked at the ceiling, it wasn't his room nor the guest room, he looked down, now he came to know the reason for that uneasy position.

Boun, the heavy sleeper was almost on top of him, his head was on Prem's chest, their legs we're intertwined, his hands were around prem's waist, his lips were parted and result in drooling and making Prem's chest wet. He didn't felt disgusted rather he thought Boun is too cute to handle especially while he is sleeping. He didn't try to move and he doesn't want to, he smiled not knowing why and even thinking of boun is enough to make him smile crazily and the contentment he feels when he is around boun ''only Boun''  is different from others. He pressed his head again on the pillow, his right hand was in the middle of them, his free left-hand absentmindedly started to caresses Boun's back.

Boun started to move slightly when he felt soft hands touching his back, his chin was wet with drooling so he cleaned with the back of his hand, slowly started to open his eyes when he felt warm and comfortable, Prem acted as if he is asleep. He tilted his head and looked up, his eyes widened but fortunately, his brain processed fast before he could think anything else...his lips curved into a gentle smile when he saw Prem sleeping cutely(acting cutely).

"I have never been this close to a friend in this short period, I don't know why I'm soo comfortable when I am with you, I'm confused pao," Boun said in low voice.. more like a whisper...not knowing that his Pao is already awake.

PAO?! Prem heard this but tried soo hard not to smile, his heart was pounding hearing that he has a cute nickname that he never heard from anyone else...

Both of them were comfortable in each other's arms but still, this unfamiliar feeling isn't cleared yet. The beautiful rhythm was broken when they heard the loud alarm from the table. Prem proved that he is good at acting when he acted as if he is waking up just now and Boun rolled from the bed to stand up and wished him "Good morning" as if he just woke up too.


Prem is sitting on the bench, Sammy and Boun talking bull shit in the opposite. He really doesn't understand a single word they are speaking about because he is too into his daydreaming.

This week is absolutely the best week in his whole life cuz he met someone who blushes like a cherry with just one touch, who cuddle with him all the night, who takes care of him whenever he needs, who teaches him few secret tricks in the swimming club, and who he has unfamiliar feelings with but he feels sad at the same time cuz this week gonna end soon and he has to go back to his home. he realised that he was spaced out for quite long when he noticed Sammy's hand waved in front of his eyes.

Sammy: Oiii! Daydreaming??

Prem: No it's nothing, Sam.

Boun: guys, I'm gonna buy lunch now cuz we have only....30 mins more for the club.
[He said as he stood up, both Sammy and prem nodded in agreement]

As soon as Boun went, Sammy took her phone in flash. Prem was curious and he never understands the word "privacy" so he went to her and took a glance at her phone, Sammy hid her phone when she noticed prem sitting near her.

Prem: Why are you hiding it sam? Is that something that we shouldn't see??
[Smirk was plastered on his face, his brows we're wiggling, she sighed]

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