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I am supposed to update this yesterday but I was busy watching dramas (shameless)...
Think yourself as Boun so it won't be boring.....(suggested)


{Now Boun is with red ears and cheeks, Prem let Boun's wrist when he noticed Boun turning red}

PREM:I called you but you didn't response...

BOUN:Hmmm...yeah...I was...I was..finding my way to the pool...(says with eyes flickering)

PREM:Hia told you are in the swimming club,well me too

{Boun's eyes widened hearing Prem's cuz he thought he will meet him only in the class and home since he totally forgot about the club}


{He said these to Prem before turning away to show him the way,hands holding the bag got tightened and now he is walking in front and the one in back is smirking at Boun as Boun's ears turning a lot pink since Boun is thinking hard what to do next}

{After asking the way to the pool to some seniors they finally reached,they were asked to change in their swimming suit after checking their changing room and some students are enrolling in the new rookie list of the club including Prem and after signing,he noticed that Boun just escaped from him again....}

PREM:Why are running away again Boun!! am I a monster to run away from?!!!! (he said to himself stomping his foot but then he chuckled at how Boun looks blushed in front of him)

{Prem went to his respective locker after checking it and he placed his bag inside and took his swimming pants,he wore them in the changing room and came out.Now he is standing near the stretching and trying to focus since he had to win the competition conducted for rookies to make the first impression best... now the president of the club is sitting in his chair and shouting everyone's name with his megaphone,when he shouted Boun's name no response came so he shouted again with a annoying look on his face then Prem turned back when he heard a familiar voice responding president.}

{Prem's eyes gradually growing wide along with jaw dropping..when he looked at Boun,Boun is in his swimming pants,top exposing his beautiful little waist and most beautiful tattoos which could make Prem(also us😅) drool over him and this is the first time Prem seeing his tattoos since Boun usually wears full hand clothes...}

PREM:GOD DAMN!!!he is sooo attractive and sexy man!!!now I really believe we shouldn't judge someone by their appearance,he was blushing around me back then but now he is making ME TO BLUSH WITH HIS TATTOOS!!! (he said to himself as if he is placing his hand on his chest just to secure that his heart won't jump out anytime)

{later Prem got distracted when he heard president said them to stand in the edge of the pool to jump into it,now both Boun and Prem is focused on swimming and they dived in when they heard the whistle and swimming as fast as they can..later}

CLUB PRESIDENT:Good job everyone and the winners are Boun and Prem!(said with a  applause)

{Prem reached the end one sec later than Boun but they both are considered to be the winners.
Everyone is complimenting them but Prem is looking for a particular man and he found Boun thanking for congratulating him,it made Prem smile without knowing.}

{Now everyone is waiting for president's instruction,he instructed everyone with his megaphone}

CLUB PRESIDENT: Everyone,you can leave now since regular practice is starting from tomorrow.

{Everyone started moving out after changing into their uniform and Prem came out of the changing room after changing in his uniform,he came out to see Boun but he couldn't...he went out of the room with head down,
when he reached the corridor and he found an ID card on the floor then he took it with wondering how can someone lost their ID card on the second day of receiving it!}

{It wasn't someone else just our Boun,Prem chuckled when he say the ID and thought how clumsy he is😄....later he called Kao to pick him and the response was to wait for sometime so he waited in the corridor leaning against the wall busy staring at the ID he found.later Kao called him to come out,when he stepped out he looked around with a hope that Boun will appear but no...}

{Kao dropped Prem home and went to store to buy stuffs Earth told him to buy.Prem wished Earth (who was sitting on the couch watching TV)while still looking at the ID which he stared whole time on the way back home..Earth wished him while he stood up to give  some snacks to Prem,he went upstairs to Prem's room with some snacks and a cute smile which can provide huge energy just by seeing it soon as he opened the door,the smile disappeared seeing a room with chips bags on the corners,chips crumbs all over the table, unfolded clothes thrown on both the bed,suit cases near the table still opened with made Earth really really angry!}

EARTH:PREMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! (he shouted while still holding the plate)

PREM:Hia!what happened!? (He came out of restroom after changing his clothes with a shock look on his face)

EARTH:LOOK! (he pointed the room) it looks like you are living in a garage!I told you to unpack,not to mess this room and can't you even throw those empty chip bags in the dustbin! It's been only TWO days and already this room looks like a dusbin!!And no snacks and DINNER too untill you clean this room,JUST STARVE!! (He said as he slammed the door and went down,still Prem looking down at his feet...)

{PREM started to clean his room as soon as Earth left the room..he took the ID from the table and settled down on the floor and he smiled at it without knowing..he took his phone and saved Boun's number from the ID secretly..later...he cleaned the room neatly and went down to eat something since he was sooooo hungry.}

{Mr.Boun noppanut guntachai just tried to escape from Prem since club president announced the winners and it actually worked so now,he is not blushing,heart beats normal,no red cheeks too..he is heading to his home in his car while humming to the songs coming from the radio under the cloudy sky.He reached his home and found nobody is home cuz Ohm will come home late usually and Fluke will be home at eight with Tete from preschool (he pick Tete at 4 from the preschool and let her be in the caretaker room in his restaurant).He changed his clothes with short pants and sleeveless top,then he went to rooftop with his favorite coffee and snacks since the climate matches perfectly with coffee.he sat on the bench placing his coffee in the table while scrolling the insta posts...}

{Time passes..still scrolling and his eyes got widened and heart beats fast just because the person he escaped from sent him friend request in insta!!!!! He hesitated at first then he allowed and sent request again which had a quick response.Prem really had soo many followers which made Boun soo curious and he saw Prem's post one by one slowly observing each and every pics,it was all about landscape (mostly bled lake) and FOOD! it made Boun chuckle without even realizing,thinking how this foodie can't even cook.}

***SAME...THE AUTHOR...***

please don't curse me since my lil bird brain works like this...I promise this story will get better than this in THE FUTURE...
Thank you tooo much for reading 😍😍😍


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