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***It's me***

I never knew I would get this much view 😭when I started to write this story,I was thinking that getting more than five views is a miracle and see,now I have 1k views which I never expected and iam sooo thankful to you for reading my story 😭😭😭L...

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I never knew I would get this much view 😭when I started to write this story,I was thinking that getting more than five views is a miracle and see,now I have 1k views which I never expected and iam sooo thankful to you for reading my story 😭😭😭
Love you all and I hope everyone is safe💜💜💜


Boun pov

Iam in my car..head leaned on the steering, thinking of what happened earlier really embarrass come I blushed and panicked for that?!?

(These were the thing tortured Boun's brain,he really doesn't know why...)

Whatever I have to go home right now(he said to himself and started the engine)

{He kept on thinking about what happened earlier all the way home cuz those embarrassing stuffs doesn't want to leave his mind...he finally came home and as usual Fluke was doing his favourite job(cooking) and today Ohm came home earlier since it's Saturday.Ohm and Tete was drawing something soo cute with the broken crayons while sitting on the floor crosslegged.Fluke sat near them with their favourite snacks..}

(Boun came home)

Fluke: welcome home sweety!
(He looked up at Boun with his usual cute smile)

Boun:hello hia.
(Said while walking towards upstairs without even turning to see Fluke,he went upstairs fast and shut his room door with a loud bang...)

{Both Fluke and Ohm looked at eachother confused,having no clues...
Tete interrupted by asking how good her drawing is,to both Fluke and Ohm and they both smiled and Fluke ruffled her hair after seeing her cute drawing,she drew three big figures and a small one in the middle which clearly says that is her family.}

{Boun shut the door and toss his bag on the study table and sat on the bed, those embarrassing stuffs still didn't want to leave his mind so he let his mind to wander...}

[did he tried to kiss me?!]

{This question popped in his mind,
making him to pull his hair out of frustration...After rolling in bed for sometimes, finally he stood up and said to himself...}

[I should get this shit out of my mind!]

{He went to change his outfit and then he went to kitchen,saw Fluke washing dishes while Ohm and Tete drawing something beautiful again,he went and sat in the counter after taking some ice cream from the fridge.}

FLUKE:Hello you weirdo!
(Said while still washing dishes)

BOUN: Weirdo?me?why?
(Asked while taking one spoon of ice cream)

FLUKE:Yes,just a while ago you went  ignoring me and you never did that before!..

BOUN:No hia..I was..I was...hmm..
aahh.I was soo tired doing those assignments hia! That's why!
(He hoped this excuse may help him..and actually it did)

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