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***The lost author***
Um.....guys....I can explain...I lost all the interest and discouraged out of blue and for an unknown reason so curse me but I don't care since I deserve it😂😂😂hope you will enjoy my story😅

They all went to their alloted room and settled.Their club president stood in front of everyone as he was about to announce something.

Club president(P'Boss):So good afternoon everyone.Now I would like to announce about the club event we are going to conduct next week,club event is a compitition between 10 clubs in our university and first three clubs with mass voting would go to a trip.It is a tradition in our university and we planned to conduct swimming compitition as usual.I hope everyone will cooperation,any queries?
[He explained clearly word by word]

One in the club:P'! how many times have our club won?
[He couldn't control his curiosity]

P'Boss:um.... should I tell?
[His smile faded when he heard the question]

Everyone:yeah yeah!!!
[Everyone shouted out of curiosity]

P'Boss:our club have........never won...

Everyone:WHAT??? But why???
[Everyone gasped in shock,and the club president looked embarassed]

P'Boss:what can we do...all the boys vote for the singing club...and boys are the majority in our university👉👈
[He looked embarassed and now he is acting weirdly soft than ever before which made the juniors confused]

Boun: Is there something special,P'?
[He ask as others looked at the president curiously]

P'Boss: nothing special...there are lot of pretty girls in tht club...

Prem:so the problem is tht pretty girls...hmm
[After a moment of thinking,his eyes sparkled when the bulb started glowing in his brain]

[he shouted as he stood n went to president to whisper in his ears, president hesitated a bit but his face brighted]

P'Boss: GENIUS!! let's do it like tht and this gonna work for sure!!! I will get the permission from the management,You and N'Boun can be incharge okay?!
[He said as he wrote tht in his note.both nodded in unison and the class was dismissed.]

Boun:what did you say to him???
[He asked him as they went out of the room.Prem whispered in his ears with a grin.Boun looked surprised by the way how prem thinks.]

The cold war began once Nat came out with Sam and saw Prem,then they went to blissful bean since they don't have classes anymore for today.

To their surprise,today almost every table is occupied and the long queue made them gasp.

Sam:what in the world is going on here?
[She asked in surprise]

Boun:ugh!!! It looks like we need to stand forever...
[He said with so-done face]

Prem:one of us should go and order for the others too

Nat:so...who gonna order,standing in THAT long queue?
[She asked the other]

[He shouted,Sam and Boun sighed realising that their conflict fight never gonna end.]

Nat:not me! You gonna stand there loser!!!
[She said inviting him for a fight and of course he was ready for tht.]

Boun: okokok fine. Lets play rock paper scissor and the loser gonna stand there. Okay?
[He said and everybody nodded in agreement. After rounds and rounds,nat lost the game,Prem had the widest grin ever and she stuck her tongue when she got pissed off.]

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