Part 26 (last one)

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It's weird to think there was a time Ashton and I hated each other. So much has happened in these past few months, stuff that only happens in books. I fell in love with my enemy, we broke up and got back together, I was stalked, kidnapped and everything else in between.
It's been a few weeks since that night with Ashton. Kendra and Michael have been loved up as ever, as have Ashton and I. Mum and Dad sorted out whatever shit they had going on -I never found out what that was- Kendra and I have spent more time together than we have apart which was well needed, I didn't realise how much I had blocked her out throughout this whole situation.
Now, I'm sitting on the car with my boyfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend watching Grease in a big field. I've never been so happy, so care free; it's like the past few months never happened!
"What are you thinking about baby?" Ashton asked suddenly, snapping my chain of thoughts.
"Just how lucky I am to have you and everyone," I replied simply, smiling lightly at him. He didn't reply, instead grabbing hold of my hand and intertwining our fingers and kissing my knuckles lightly. He never failed to give me goosebumps, ever.
"I love you," he whispered pecking my lips before turning back to the movie.
"I love you too Ash."
I'm not one of those people to believe in the saying 'Everything happens for a reason' but for once in my life I understand it. Had I never been paired with my enemy for an English project we never would have opened up about our feelings. We'd probably still 'hate' each other and try dodge each other as much as possible!
Whenever anyone asks how Ashton and I met, I'll answer truthfully, it was simply a bit of love hate.


Oh my god I'm so happy it's over.
Im so sorry it took so long to write this last chapter I've barely had time to spend time with family I've been doing so much.
You guys know how much this story infuriated me, it's hard work trying to write something like this. So I've decided not to write anymore on Wattpad... not for a while anyway, I know you guys won't care because there's some good writers out there....
Nonetheless I sincerely hope you liked this story it's been a whirlwind. Thanks for sticking by me, if you did.

I love you guys thanks for everything xxx

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