Part 21

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I honestly don't know what day it is in this damned story... Let's pretend this chapter is the day before and of the party ok? OK. This story is going to be the death of me it's so crap oh my god I'm sorry. 

~ Ashton's POV~

All week Bethany has been talking about this party on Bondi. All week. I feel like I haven't existed, whenever I try speak to her or make any form of physical contact it's 'Not now Ashton I'm thinking about what to wear to the party' or 'I need to get my tan done' and oh I forgot 'Oh, when did you get here?' 
She forgets I'm around, she spends her time with me texting Kendra about how excited she is and how they need to get ready together. Tonight is Friday, the day before the party, we handed our crappy project we rushed to finish in to our teacher and now we're at my house for a movie night.
"Hmm?" she replied not looking up from her phone.
"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked, losing my patience.
"Yeah that sounds good."
Sighing I stood in front of her and looked down at her. She still didn't look up so I decided on the only thing that could possibly work. Grabbing her phone I turned it off and shoved it into my pocket, not looking at her in the process. 
"What the hell Ashton?!" she shouted shooting daggers at me. 
"This has been going on all week babe! You haven't looked at me all day, spoken to me properly all week or put down that fucking phone!" I yelled, giving up on my patience.
"EXCUSE ME FOR BEING EXICTED," she yelled back, ten times louder. So over dramatic.
"I'm glad you're excited to be going out without me but for the love of me will you please let me spend time with my girlfriend for one night without bloody distractions?!"
"I'm here now aren't I?"
"May as well not be with the way you've been."
"Oh that's it I'm leaving," she replied bluntly, grabbing her bag and coat. 
"You forgot your best friend," I replied smugly, holding her phone out of her reach. 
"GIVE ME MY PHONE!" I let it drop to the ground, not in the mood to tease her. She picked it up and stormed from the house not once looking back. 
"HAVE FUN AT THEV PARTY!" I yelled. "Don't hook up with any boys!" I finished, saying it mainly to myself.

It's been an hour and Bethany has made no contact with me. I know she expects me to apologise but this time, it isn't me in the wrong. God she infuriates me... but I love her... but I shouldn't, but I do. For the fifth time I checked my phone, nothing. 
"Ashton hon?" I heard mums voice telling me she's home.
"The boys are here for you!"
"Send them up," I sighed. All I wanted to do was go to sleep, wake up with an apology text from Bethany and then kiss the head off her.
"Hey man," Calum said. "Why the long face? Did Ashton not get a goodbye kiss from Bethany?" Michael chuckled and Luke hit Calum upside the head.
"Shut up Calum for once in your life don't be an asshole," Luke suggested. "Are you alright though?"
I groaned and sat upright so I could see them clearly. "No. She's been acting like a bitch all week because of this damned party at Bondi."
"Oh! I'm heading to that party! You should come with, you can be my plus one!" Michael exclaimed, a big grin on his face.
"She said it's a girls night... I can't."
"She said you can't go with her, you won't be going with her, you'll be with Michael," Calum said smartly.
"You know what? You're right! She's not the boss of me! I'm the boss of me," I giggled to myself.
"Ok mate chill with the lame jokes, but you're right, she isn't the boss of you!" Calum said. 
"So it's settled, we'll go to the party, you and me," Michael said and I nodded, feeling happier than I did ten minutes earlier. That night was spent playing the x-box and discussing possible song covers to do on Sunday. Calum and Luke left at half 11 and Michael decided he was staying the night. "So, is everything ok after the whole Sophie thing?"
"Yeah, I mean she never mentioned after I explained it to her but I'm afraid she doesn't trust me..."
"Do you trust her? Ya know, 'cause she's going to the party?"
"Yeah, I do but I'm worried she'll meet someone there who's better than me and she'll leave me." My fists clenched even at the thought of someone else touching her and kissing her where I do.
"You treat her perfectly man, she adores you," he replied reassuringly. 
"I hope so," I whispered before everything around me blackened out.

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