Part 19

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*Ashton's POV*


I watched Bethany get into Kendra's car from the entrance of the shopping centre, tears streaming down her face. I did that. Me. What did I even do? 
Snapping out of my daydream I sprinted to my car and reversed out of the car space and out of Rouse Hill.
Bethany you better listen to me.

Pulling up outside Kendra's house at the same time they did, I hopped out and ran up to Bethany grabbing hold of her hand pulling her back into my chest. 
"Wha- Ashton what are you doing here?!" Bethany yelped, her eyes puffy and boodshot. 
"You have to hear me out Bethany, please! It was not what it looked like I swear!"
"Ashton, I get it, she's hot ok? No hard feelings it doesn't surprise me. It was only a matter of time until you left-" I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. I felt her tense against me as I pushed my tongue in her mouth. She relaxed and began to kiss me back slowly. 
"Hey there, hey there, Kendra is still here, do you mind not eating each others throats out? Thanks," Kendra rambled on causing Bethany to pull away abruptly. 
"I can't believe you..." Bethany mumbled pushing my chest away from her. 
"Can you listen, please?"
"Jesus Christ woman will you listen to the lanky little shit you're both giving my a migrane," Kendra stated bluntly. If the situation was any different I would have laughed. 
"Fine, you have two minutes," Bethany mumbled. 
I smiled weakly trying to come across as confident. Kendra came strolling up to me and whispered into my ear, "she's lying take as long as you need." 

Sitting on the wall outside Kendra's house neither of us spoke. Come on man spit it out.
"Sophie wanted Michael's number," I rushed out.
"Whaaaa?" Bethany asked, confusion clear on her face.
I sighed running a hand through my hair. "Sophie knew me from being Michael's mate. Apparently they had been getting really close and she really liked him..."
"Michael told me about her... Sophie, that was her?"
"Yep, she wanted me to give her Michael's number but I didn't know if she was being legit so she gave me hers to give to him."
"So why was she checking you out?"
Again, I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I mean, I am pretty sexy," I drawled. 
She giggled and shoved her shoulder into my chest and rested her head lightly on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I didn't hear you out..."
Jumping up from the wall I stood in front of Beth and cupped her face with my hands. "I love you. Only you and that will never, ever change." 
"I love you too," she whispered.
Moving in closer to her I could notice every freckle on her face, the little bump in her nose, the scar just under her right eye as they fluttered closed. I felt her breath fanning my face causing goosebumps on my neck. Our lips were nearly touching as I whispered, "forever and always."

*Bethany's POV*

Our lips were nearly touching when I barely heard him whisper, "forever and always." before closing the distance between us. His hands ran down my body, drawing light patterns on the skin peeping from my top. I gently bit down on his bottom lip causing a groan to escape his mouth. I giggled before hopping off the wall pressing myself to his hard chest. 
"Bethany don't you dare."
I giggled before pulling away. "How about I text Kendra on the way to yours?"
I saw him gulp and nod before grabbing my hand and leading me to the car. 

Once I sent the text to Kendra telling her how we sorted it out I decided to tease Ashton again. His fingers were drumming on the steering wheel and he drove the speed limit, rushing to get to his house. I dropped a hand high on his thigh, brushing across his crotch lightly.
"Stop that," he said through gritted teeth. I giggled, keeping my hand on his... mini Ashton. I could feel him stiffen as he turned into his neighbourhood. 
His little friend was getting hard as I ran my hand up and down his length. 
He rammed the car into the driveway before getting out and coming to my side of the car. He opened the door and waited for me to get out. Deliberately taking my time he grabbed hold of my hand and pulling me out, locking the car behind him. He dragged me into the house and straight up to his room slamming the door behind him.

"You evil, evil person," he muttered pushing me against his door. 
I grinded my hips against his crotch in response causing a low moan to escape his mouth. He started kissing up my neck and jawline until he reached my lips. 
"Ashton, please," I said tugging on his hair gently. 
He backed me towards his bed until my knees buckled and I collpased on his bed with him hovering over me. 
"God you're perfect," he whispered. 

Clothes were scattered everywhere as we lay under the covers, Ashton pressed up against my back. "Is it weird that for that whole half an hour we broke up, I missed you like crazy?" Ashton mumbled against my back.
"No," I whispered gently. "I missed you too."
"Never scare me like that again," he said with much more anger this time as he rolled over so he was hovering above me. 
I laughed lightly and pulled his neck down so our lips were connecting. "I'm here forever and always."

Yay :D 
well done to xFanFictionAddiction who copped that Sophie was Michael's crush! ;D 
I hate writing heated scenes so much so I apologise if this was shit! 
(I would really like a new cover hint hint)
Ily xxx

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