Part 24

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Unknown POV

I watched as the girl dropped the phone and chuckled to myself. Go time. Jumping out of the car I pulled on my black hat and jacket and made my way down the street. Going through the front door would be too obvious.

I waited in the back garden for what felt like forever before making my move. Through the window I could see her. She was wearing shorts and a top that didn't show enough. I was going to have fun with this one. She was on the phone... probably to that pussy she calls a boyfriend. I walked up to the house and opened the front door and watched as she turned to face me.

"Hello, Bethany."

Bethany POV

"Hello, Bethany."

I think I screamed, maybe I didn't but before I could do anything his hand was surrounding my neck cutting off my breathing.

"Scream and I'll kill you and your sister." I nodded stiffly, glad I had Aoife go to her room. "Now, I've been watching you for quite some time... Ever since that incident with 'the wrong girl' I've been infatuated by you. I fucking needed my way on you. And that's what I'm here for."

He let go of my neck, instead grabbing my shirt and beginning to pull at it. Bile rose in my stomach as I realised what was about to happen. Hurry up and get here please, please, please.

The door slammed open. He raised his hand and brought it down on my face causing me to yelp.

"Take one step towards that door and we will shoot." Green eyes stood frozen. The police took this chance to grab hold of him and handcuff him. "You're under arrest for the sexual harrassment of young girls, stalking and man slaughter. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Ashton came running in to the kitchen followed by my parents but I was frozen to my spot. Ashton saw me and my lack of clothing and turned to the green eyed man. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU." He took a lunge at the man but was held back by my father who whispered in his ear. He nodded and took a seat, not once looking at me. My mother, however, came running over to me and hugged me close to her, I couldn't hug her back, my eyes on Ashton who was staring at the wall in front of him. I felt something get tugged around me which I soon realised was a blanket.

The man was led out of the house, my father talking to the police men, they looked tense, but relieved because he was caught.

"Ashton," I croaked. He looked at me quickly before turning away. I finally gained the strength to move my feet. They led me straight to my room, passing Aoife who was coming from her room. I dropped the blanket and curled up on my bed finally allowing the sobs to escape. My door opened and closed, footsteps coming towards me, stopping when they reached my bed. Ashton lay down beside me and pulled me into his chest allowing me to cry and sob. When I finally calmed down I could feel his chest shaking repeatedly. He was crying too. We lay there crying together for what felt like hours before I finally spoke. "He's gone."

Ashton nodded and pulled me closer to him. He didn't kiss me. Just comforted me. "Did he do it?" he asked, his voice cracking as he began to cry again.

I shook my head. "No." He let out a sob, a happy one this time. "I love you Ashton."

"I love you too baby."

We spent the rest of the night in bed, crying, sleeping, cuddling. I was aware of my lack of clothes but I couldn't face anything. My parents hadn't came up. They knew I'd push them away anyway. "You need to go down to them Bethany..." Ashton whispered, kissing my head softly.

"I feel so dirty Ashton." His grip on me tightened, knowing exactly what I meant. "I'm going to take a shower."

He nodded and released me from his grip. I stood up and Ashton turned away, thinking I wouldn't want him to see without clothes after todays events. It was only once I was in the shower and the water was on that I realised I needed him with me.

"Ashton?" I called quietly. His head popped through the door within seconds. "Can you stay with me please? Just sit on the toilet please?"

He nodded a took a seat on the toilet. I automatically felt more relaxed and calm. His presence was the only comforting this for me right now and I was so glad he was still here.

"Mum. Dad," I said, entering the lounge room. They were cuddled together with Aoife sandwhiched between them. Their heads shot up when they heard my voice and Mum opened her arms for me. I ran to her arms and the four of us cuddled on the couch in silence. Ashton was in my room, talking to the boys, trying to keep his head from the green eyed man, much like myself. I didn't cry, I couldn't cry anymore. He was gone. I was safe. Aoife was safe. We were all safe.

Hopefully it would stay that way.


This is short I'm sorry.

This was kinda hard for me to write but sure.

The story is nearly over, I'm going to tie up all the loose bits and then it's done... so yeah...

Sorry I took over a month it's been busy... yeah ok bye... I hope you liked this I guess??
Do you guys want a sequel or not? And would you prefer me to were the 'Drawn From a Hat' or scratch that and do Michael and Kendra?:)

Ly xx

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