Part 9

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LADS! My story is being translated into Russian and German! Can we take a minute... THAT'S FCKING AWESOME. Like I can't put into words how excited that made me, no joke. Anyway, on with the story ok bye bye.


*Bethany's POV*

"Pardon?" I managed to choke out.

"Please don't make me say it again," he whispered. I looked at him and took in his current features. His eyes were puffed, like he had been crying, and that cocky smirk he usually wore was nowhere to be found. His hair was ruffled and you could see the innocence in his eyes. Don't give in Bethany, do not, a voice in my head growled.  But when I looked at Ashton and saw the pleading look he gave me, I wanted to cave in straight away and admit I love him too. Bethany he has caused you a horrible miserable life since year 7, what makes you think he's 'changed' as he'll put it, don't give in, show him you're not another one of his flees. 

"Ashton I um," I began nervously, "I um, I think I lo-"

                                         "I fought it for a long time now, while drowning in a river of denial,

                                          I washed up, fixed up, picked up all my broken-"

"What?" Ashton growled into the phone, mouthing a sorry in my direction. I watched Ashton talk to whoever it was on the phoen, the way he exagerrated everything and how his jaw clenched and he used his hand to talk. He was the definition of perfect. "Okay, okay, okay, lob choo mate, okay, bye, okay, OKAY BYE!" Ashton shouted hanging up the phone. I giggled at his anger.

"Sorry, Luke always chooses the worst times to call, they've went to get food... Oh and he said and I quote, 'tell my pimp Bethany I said yo'."

I laughed at Luke's comment, he comes up with the most awkward things, like one time he said he felt sorry for other foods when he ate something first... Anyway, I'm getting off topic. 

"So um, what were you going to say before?" Ashton asked hesitantly. Okay here we go Bethers, you can do this. 

"Right... yeah... em I was saying that I think I might lo-prefer to do this project alone," I said switching my words quickly. 

"Wait what? Why? Is it because of what I said.. I didn't mean to make things awkward, I know you hate me and I'm sorry but please, don't not do the project wuth me," Ashton rushed, shaking his head at the last sentence.

I sighed. He really seemed sorry and guilty about what he said but I can't work around him without wanting to jumping on him and kiss the shit out of him.

"Um, I'll think about it, I gotta go, tell Luke and Calum I said hi," I mumbled standing up. 

"Ok um yeah, that's fine."

"Bye," I whispered turning the door handle. Ashton grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into his chest and hugged my waist tightly. I froze but then realised it was a friendly hug, so I hugged him back. He rested his chin on my head and I put my face into his shirt as I hugged his chest. I pulled away and smiled a friendly smile at him, he smiled back and placed a kiss lightly on my forhead. 

"Just a friendly kiss," he whispered turning away from me. I quickly exited the room and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the closed door and sighed. Way to go Bethany. I pushed myself off the door and left Luke's house making my way home slowly.


"Moma I'm home!" I yelled in the direction of the kitchen.

"Ciao belle!" my mum yelled back. We aren't actually Italian, she has always greeted me like that. We can however speak fluent Spanish and we do that a lot.

"What's for dinner?!" I shouted back again.

"Pasta bake, go clean up!" 

"Yum, okay I'll be right down," I called. Pasta bake is one of my favourite dishes ever, mum must have something important to tell us, she never does pasta bake unless she has news.

When I reached my room I realised that I still needed to find a way to admit my feelings towards Ashton. I decided to not overthink it for tonight and focus on what my mum needed.

I washed my hands and tied back my hair in a pony tail and made my way back downstairs. The dining room table was set up for seven seats, my mum, my dad, my sister -Aoife, yes that is an irish name, my parents love Irish culture for some reason- and me, who were the other three seats?

"Mum, who are the other seats for?" Aoife asked skipping into the room. Aoife was ten, she had blonde hair and green eyes and sallow skin. I adored her to death.

"Your father has a his boss coming to dinner with their family," she replied frowning slightly, "Aoife will you get the knives and forks from the kitchen please?"

"Yup sure!"

Mum smiled at her warmly. "Bethany, will you please try to be polite, forget who they are and just try to be polite, please." 

I nodded at her slightly, confused at her accusation. Just then the doorbell rang and Mum told me to get it. I skipped to the hall and opened the front door. 

Stood at the door was a woman, a man and... Ashton.

"Hi, Bethany isn't it? My names is Jean, Jean Iriwn. This is my husband, Carl, your father's boss and my son..."

"She knows who I am mum," Ashton said smiling at me. I smiled back weakly and stepped aside to allow them in. I looked at Ashton who walked in last. I decided to be friendly and not make it awkward, so I smiled at him. He smiled back warmly and opened his arms in the 'after you' signal. I giggled at his charms and led him into the dining room. Everyone was already sitting in their spaces, leaving two seats for Ashton and I. Beside each other. I glanced at Ashton who was already staring back at me, he winked cheekily at me and pulled out a chair gesturing for me to sit down. I did as he gestured and sat in the seat. He sat beside me and greeted my family like a gentleman.

Dinner was served after ten minutes of small talk. Turns out my dad was getting promoted and wanted his boss to join us for dinner.

Mum dished out the pasta and we all ate making seperate conversations. Mine and Ashton's chairs were close together and I felt a hand on my thigh. I froze and turned to Ashton glaring at him. He quickly removed his hand a mouthed a sorry. I sighed and went back to eating my dinner. A few minutes later I felt his hand make a reappearence on my leg, except this time, I didn't want him to remove it. He looked at me nervously and I shrugged. He grinned and squeezed my thigh, moving his hand up a wee bit.

This is going to be a long night.


That's all for today folks. This took me ages to right and it's shitty, sorry.




PS- I know Aoife is an Irish name but I couldnt think of a name, it's pronounce E-FA xx

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