Part 2

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New chapter yay :D What does everyone think about 5SOS touring the world with 1D?? I'm so so proud of them but afraid cause they're not our little secret anymore :-( ANYWAY on with the story.. Ohh follow us on twittahhh @LoveLuke5SOS and @IsMiseAoibheann <3 Ily a milly

Bethany's POV 

The day went by quick and before I knew it the final bell rang signalling end of school. I got up off my seat and head to my locker to put books away. I took my earphones from my front pocket of my bag and placed them in my ear pressing shuffle on my phone. I started the short walk home singing along to Ed Sheeran, Give me love, I thought I could hear my name being yelled but shook it off as the song came to an end.
"Bethany!" the voice yelled. Yep, definitely wasn't hearing things. I turned around to see a tall figure strolling towards me. Ashton.
"Jesus Christ, are you deaf or something?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and turned to keep walking. "Beth-I mean Bethany, aren't we going to work on the project?"
My eyes widened when I heard him say Beth. 
"Oh uh yeah I forgot, fine lets go" I mumbled "Wait your house or mine?"
He smirked at my awkwardness, "Mine, now come on I have band prac"
"I know I know" I sighed. I put my earphones back in and slowly followed behind Ashton who was dialling someone on his phone. I watched his moves, the way he fixed his hair every two minutes, how he used his hand to exaggerate things, how he walked and how his face lit up when he laughed. I shook my head to stop myself thinking about these things and instead started texting my mum to tell her what I was doing.
*To: MummaBear<3
Hey mum I'm going to work on a Shakespeare project with  a friend, won't be too late okay?:)
 Ily x*
I looked up to see Ashton had slowed down to walk with me.
"Why are you walking with me? You don't like me?" I growled, he looked at me with a surprised look on his face.
"You're right, I don't, only cause you don't like me" He replied just as angrily.
YOU MADE MY LIFE HELL I thought to myself. Of course, being the chicken shit I am, I didn't say this, instead I just nodded.
"Look, Ashton, how about we just try and get along? No friendship involved just be civil?" I asked compromising it. He looked at me for a second, then at the ground, then back at me.
"Fine, that sounds ok" He said quietly. I fist pumped mentally with myself. Now just to controll these stupid feelings.
~ ~ ~ 
Ashtons POV
(A/N I'm shit at writing boy povs n'all so yeah sordy)

'No friendship involvd just be civil'... her words kept going through my head. What did I ever do to make her hate me so much? There was something about Bethany that made her different to other girls, her eyes? Smile? Personality? No couldn't be that, she hated me. I came back on to earth to see Bethany listening to music, she suddenly started belting out the lyrics to Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low and I felt myself grinning at her voice. She was good, really good, I never knew she could sing. Just another thing that made me attracted to her.
For as long as I can remember I pretended to hate Bethany because I liked her too much, over the years my 'hatred' got stronger as did my true feelings. Did I love her?

"Um Ashton, where do you even live?" A voice asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh right, just around here, sorry I was just thinking" I muttered, running a hand through my hair. I heard a small giggle come from Bethanys mouth. "What ya giggling at?" I asked her smiling slightly.
She giggled again "Oh nothing, you just fix your hair alot, it's cute- wait no not cute, funny?" She stuttered, trying to cover her mistake. I was cute? Bethany, the person who hated me most, thought I was cute? I couldn't help but smile at this. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach too... I didn't like this new feeling.
"I know, I get told that way too much" I chuckled, she smiled at me and nodded.
"By who may I ask?"
"Our fans say we all fix our hair too much" I laughed again thinking about all the tweets we get about our hair.
"Well they are wise people aren't they?" She said laughing a bit. She had the cutest laugh, everything about her was cute but shit her laugh. I knew spending this much time with her wouldn't be good. Already it was starting to affect me.
"Oh look we're here, lessgo" I shouted running up the driveway with her following behind.

and Boom. Okay that was supposed to be wayyy better, I had it all planned out but then I realised I skiped the walking home bit which sucked so I had to go back a step... Anywayyyyy sorry about that.
While y'all are waiting or not waiting for the next chapter, go do 10 Situps! Go go go
Is anyone good at doing like original book covers?? Hit us up yo.
Ehkay byers xo  

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