Part 11

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FUAR 88 VOTES ON PART 10?! I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 Sorry for such inconsistent updates and short chapters guys :( <3


"So, what happens now?" I asked Ashton nervously. He sighed quietly and looked at me, his hazel eyes sparkling. He took hold of my hand and pulled me close to him.
"I don't know," he muttered into my hair.
"We can't exactly go from hating each other to boyfriend and girlfriend, so let's just forget this happened."
"Wait, Beth no that is not what I want! Please don't, just think about it properly," he said quickly. He looked so helpless, like he really did care about what I said.
"Ashton, everyone in our school thinks we hate each other, I thought you hated me, we cannot go from enemies to anything more than friends and you know that!" I got up to leave but Ashton had other ideas. He pulled me back down to his lap and wrapped his arms around me. 
"Do you really care what other people think?" he asked, kissing my neck gently. I sighed blissfully enjoying the sparks that have came back.
"No bu-"
"No buts, just shut up and kiss me, please," he begged. I looked at him, his eyes were pleading at me so I gave in. I turned my body to face him and leaned in closing my eyes. His lips met mine gently as he kissed me lightly. I kissed back eagerly, loving what his kisses did to me. He held onto my hips firmly, keeping me close to him. His tongue slipped into my mouth sending sparks through my body. We continued kissing for what felt like hours when eventually we pulled away. 
"Ashton," I whispered, "you deserve someone else, I've been horrible to you."
Ashton groaned lowly. "Bethany stop it. You're beyond beautiful, you have every boy in our year after you, please, I don't deserve you at all but please give me a chance?"
"Ashton I don't know, it's a bit sudden."
"At least let me take you on a date? One date to make you change your mind, please?" he begged.
I thought about it, one date couldn't hurt, it could decide whether or not we're right for each other.
"Fine, one date to prove to me that we're right for each other." Ashton grinned at me and nodded enthusiastically. 
Ashton's mum then called up the stairs, "Ashton love, we're going now!"
"Okay mum I'll be right down," he called back. He pouted at me, which gave me butterflies. I pecked his pout quickly. Ashton grinned and pulled me into him kissing me properly. We kissed again until Ashton's mum shouted up the stairs again. He pulled away, his lips slightly swollen, his face flushed and hair messy. I giggled at his new appearence which made him wink at me. He turned to exit the room giving me a quick peck on the cheek and whispered, "goodbye Bethany." before exiting my room. I walked to the top of the stairs and said goodbye to the family. 
"Well  Bethany that wasn't so bad was it?" mum asked.
"Nope, it was actually very good."

"Kendra I kind of have something important to tell you..." I said over the phone.
"What?! What is it? Did Ashton hurt you?" she yelled.
"What?! No, oh my god, no no no!"
"Then what is it?" she said, calming down.
"Okay, promise not to kill me?"
"It depends what it is," she stated bluntly.
"IKissedAshtonAndHeKissedMeAndHeAskedMeOnADateAndISaidYes," I mumble in one breath.
"No," I whispered.
"You can't go."
"He's just going to hurt you."
"I don't care, I'm willing to take the risk," I said defiantley.
"Well then I'll have to help you get ready and stuff," she muttered.
"Thank you Kendra, I love you my little muffin."
"I love you too cupcake, I gotta go, mum is calling me, bye bye boo!"
"Bye baba," I said before pressing the hang up button.
I flopped down on to my bed and smiled. He liked me. He liked me! I cannot believe Ashton Irwin, my 'enemy' likes me too! 
I was enjoying rethinking the kisses we had when my phone beeping cut my chain of thoughts.
From: Ashton.
Goodnight beautiful, thank yoiu for an amazing night, I'm so excited for our date! :D <3 xx
I grinned like a sap and tapped out my reply.
To: Ashton.
Me too! Night night, see you tomorrow :) <3 x

I turned off my phone not waiting for his reply and got ready for bed. Only when I was in bed did I realise how tired I really was, once my head hit the pillow I was asleep. 
Guess who I was dreaming about?

So he's taking her on a date, aw how cute. Do you think it will go well or terrible? What will she wear? Will he be able to prove to her that they should be together? Wait and see. 
Bye guys xx

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