Part 6

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*Ashtons POV*

I led Bethany into the living room and plopped myself on the couch. I was about to tell Bethany everything. Bethany sat on the table opposite me, her blue eyes looking nervously at me. I couldn't help myself but smile at how perfect she was, the way her eyes lit up when she was talking to someone she cared about -they never lit up talking to me- how she would listen so carefully to anyone talking to her -again she never did that with me- and how she could wear no makeup and still look absolutely perfect. I couldn't tell her, she would run off before I could explain myself properly, she would refuse to do this project with me and I want to do this project more than anything.

No, I cannot tell her. I like admiring her from afar. But you'd prefer to be able to tell her  how perfect she is and how much you love her That stupid voice in my head said. No I wouldn't shut up you idiot. Now I'm talking to myself, fantastic.

"Ashton, hurry up, what did you want to tell me?" Bethany asked, cutting my thoughts.

"Oh right," I began, here it goes. "I- um- I- Bethany I have a date tonight, we can't work on the project," I said without thinking. Shit.

"You what?" She growled.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," I lied.

"Wooow, forgetting a date, top bloke you are. Ashton I cancelled plans for this and you decide to tell me 20 minutes before hand that you have a DATE?" She yelled, her face going red and her eyes showing so much of one emotion. Hate.

"Shut up Bethany. Everyone forgets a date once in their life," I muttered back.

"Em no. Not everyone. Only you because you are an absolute jerk!" She exclaimed, she stood up and stormed out of the room.

You're an idiot. That idiotic voice in my head said to me. I agree with dummer over  there. The other voice said. It's official I'm a jerk.

And a pussy.

And a pussy. 

And you kind of made Bethany hate you even more too so basically you never stand a chance with her.

"Shit!" I yelled, maybe a bit too loud because Calum came running in.

"What? Ash what's wrong?" He asked sitting beside me quickly.

"I am an absolute idiot and jerk and dick and every bad thing a boy can be."

"What why? Where did Bethany go? Wait... Ashton what did you do?" He asked.

"Answer 1, because I've done something so stupid. answer 2, I don't know I upset her and she ran off. Answer 3, I lied to her because I couldn't tell her how I feel so I told her I had a date," I said groaning again.

"You're right you are an idiot. She's going to hate you!" 

"I know you fucking idiot," I snapped. Calum looked shocked at my outburst. "Sorry Cal," I whispered.

He patted me on the back and nodded.

"You really love her don't you?" He asked quietly. 

I nodded. "More than she'll ever know."

"Well do something about it! Make her love you back," He exclaimed.

"She hates me and she thinks I hate her!" 

"So make her change her mind..." Calum said slowly.

"You're right, I will."

*Bethany's POV*

He's a jerk, an idiot, a dick and I hate that I love him. He ditched me for a date... How could he forget a date anyway? Oh yeah, because he's a dick.

I decided to text Kendra and get her to come over so I could rant.

To: KendraBra

Are you busy? Can you come over? :( x

From KendraBra

I'm on my way! I'll bring cookies!! :D <3

Oh Kendra, you always knew the way to my heart. I grabbed a duvet (A/N like a doona or a cover idk) and settled on my couch watching Zoey 101. Yes, I still watch Zoey 101, judge me.

After a half an hour of watching TV the front door opened and shut.

"KENDRA HAS ARRIVED!" Kendra announced skipping into the living room chucking a packet of cookies at me, hitting me in my face.

"Hey Kendrabra," I said smiling weakly.

"What's wrong with my likkle Bethywethy?" She asked, her eyes full with concern.

"Ashton ditched our project for a date..." I said.

"So? You can do it some other day?" She said chuckling at me.

I ripped open the cookies and stuffed one in my mouth. "That's not the point! The point is he promised we could get this project done and he ditches me for a date?" I complained.

Kendra didn't reply, she watched me carefully for a few minutes, obviously thinking hard about something.

"Are you sure you're not just upset that he has a date, and it's not with you?" She asked softly.

"WHAT? NO are you crazy?!" I yelled, perhaps too quickly.


"Okay... maybe I am," I whispered.

Kendra nodded at me a tiny smile playing at her lips.

"Do you know what you are gonna do?" She asked.

"Turn lesbian?" I said seriously.

"No no no no no no no. You're going to flirt with every boy that is around him to make him jealous." 

"No," I stated.

"Yes you are... It's genius!" She said eagerly.

"Fine... It could work," I replied.

She beamed at me before saying, "Mission 'Make the Jerk That you Love Jealous by Flirting With Other Boys' has begun."


A/N YEE GUYS ARE FREAKING AMAZING! I was honestly expecting it to take at least a week to get that many votes! You guys are so fabulous... Which is why I updated today :) However, I'm using this idea again. IM SORRY DONT KILL ME. 



I know you guys can do it... Hopefully it will take longer bc AOIBHEANN HAS EXAMS GUIS! 

If you tweet @Aoibheann5SOS 'Flowers and Daisies', I'll dedicate the chapter to you ooooooh ;) OH one more thing.... Picture of Kendra over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Slán mo álainn beags <3

~Aoibheann x

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