Part 15

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SHOUTOUT To; One_To_Many she made my new book cover! Isn't it amazing I love it! She does book covers so if you want one, let her know! :) Thank you sooo much chick I love it!

*Bethany's POV*

After thirty long minutes of speed driving, the car halted to a stop causing me to spring forward and back, hitting my head. The driver got out and walked around to my side of the car opening the door and grabbing my wrist and dragging me out. 
"Come on you fat cow," the voice yelled. My jaw dropped you do not call me fat and get away with it.
"Excuse me?! Did you never learn to never confront a girl about her weight? I don't care if you're 'badass' you do not call a girl fat. Ever!"
"SHUT UP and sit down!" the man shouted, making me jump and sit down in the shelter he had led me to. I was beginning to get extremely afraid. Would anybody notice I was gone? Would Ashton try find me? Would I ever be freed? Is Aoife okay? Will my parents realise I've gone missing?
"Why am I here?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. 
"Your parents. That's why you're here," the man replied, he had been joined in the 'room' by three other muscly men.
"Oh yeah because that certainly narrows it down and now I am fully aware as to why you've kidnapped me," I replied sarcastically. 
The man pinned me up against the wall with his arm choking my neck, which cut off my breathing. "Your darling parents owe me a lot of money and refuse to pay it. We're keeping you until they decide to pay us back. Understand?" I nodded weakly unable to reply. "I said understand?"
"Y-ye-yes, I understand," I wheezed out, unable to breathe. The man removed his arm  from my neck allowing me to breathe properly. They all left the room and slammed the door shut. I quickly scampered across the room to a table which was pressed against a window. I looked out the window, happy to see it was in a neighbourhood meaning if I somehow escaped, I would be able to find my way home. I glanced at the table to see if there was anything I could break the window with... Nothing. But, oh! A phone! What sort of twat takes my phone but leaves it in the room for me to get? I quickly grabbed the phone and turned on the tracker so when I called the police they'd be able to find me. I dialed 000 but just as I pressed call the door unlocked and the man saw me with the phone! He dropped the tinned tomatoes he was holding and made a plunge for me. I dodged him quickly and put the phone in my pocket, still on to the police. He pinned me up against the wall, blocking my airway causing me to scream and shout. He punched me in the stomach just as I yelled, "POLICE PLEASE THIS WACKJOBS GOT ME HELP!"
"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" the man yelled. He punched you once more, this time in the boob, ouch! "Give me the phone! NOW!" 
I gave him the phone, quickly checking to see if the police hung up, they had. Either they didn't believe me or they hung up and are on their way here. He put the phone is his back pocket and gave me a filthy look. I looked away unable to cope with the stares he was giving me. He laughed loudly and then spat in my face! EW EW EW  was the only thing going through my head at that current moment. 
"Now stay here and shut the hell up. One word and you're dead," he growled. I had a feeling he meant that literally so I nodded weakly causing him to smirk and leave the room. I felt my mouth tremble and tears spill out of my eyes. Just as everything was going well with Ashton, this happens. I'm never going to get to kiss him again. I broke down just thinking about Ashton and his blonde straight hair (A/N Remember this was before UK!), his hazel eyes which lit up when he was excited, the endless selfies he takes of himself, how when he plays the drums he loses himself and you can really see how much he loves it. I'd miss him so much. By the now the tears wouldn't stop and I was sobbing loudly. Then another thought came to my head. My mother and father owe this man money? He's not a friend, I've met all their friends and he certainly isn't one! Why would he lie? I know my parents would never borrow money, unless it was from me of course. This conclusion calmed me down a bit but then I realised I was still stuck in this room with no water, food or WiFi! I eventually felt my eyes droop letting me know it was time to go asleep. That was interrupted by loud... sirens?! Yes! They were definitely sirens! They got cut off and I felt a thump on the door sending vibrations through the floor. I couldn't move, the pain in my tummy where I got punched making it hard to move. 
"Are you Bethany?" the police man asked. I nodded weakly and he moved aside letting three people run in. My Mum, Dad and Ashton! Mum and Dad stayed back letting Ashton come up to me. 
"Beth, I was so scared when your mum called. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Ashton asked kissing me on the lips gently.
I nodded my head and whispered, "yeah, he did." Ashton instantly stood up and ran towards the door.
"Where is he? WHERE IS THE PRICK THAT HURT MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Ashton yelled, his hands balled in to fists. 
"Excuse me, sir? The men have all been arrested and taken to the police station for questioning. We have been trying to find these men for a long time now. They kidnap young people, mainly girls, and tell them their parents owe them money, they also use the girls for sexual reasons," the police said. I let out a little screach of terror and Mum instantly came running over to me and hugged me into her chest. 
"I love you Mum," I cried. 
"I love you too chica," she replied kissing my forehead. I glanced up at Ashton who was watching me with a pained expression. My mum noticed my gaze and smiled lightly, ushering Ashton over to you. Ashton walked over slowly and sat beside me, I automatically cuddled into him and he kissed my temple lightly letting me cry all I wanted. Mum got up and walked back over to my dad and the police man who were in deep conversation. 
"Ashton," I cried pulling him closer. 
He nodded and said, "I know baby, it's okay now though, they'll never find you again. I'm here now and you're safe, I promise, okay?" I sniffled but nodded. He kissed the corner of my lips and then stood up, holding a hand for me to take. I shook my head. "I can't stand Ashton, he punched my tummy." I could see rage fill Ashton's eyes but nevertheless he bent down and scooped me up bridal style, pulling me as close to him as possible. I felt myself calm down almost instantly when I was near Ashton. 
"So you'll have to take Bethany to the hospital for a checkup is that okay?" the police man asked. Mum nodded quickly and thanked the police man. My dad shook his hand firmly and Ashton nodded, unable to shake his hand, and thanked him. 

Once we were all in the car, me being curled up against Ashton again, my dad turned around and said, "I'm so sorry Bethany. I love you so much okay?" My dad was never good with words but I knew he meant it.  We arrived at the hospital and I was sent to a check up room instantly, because apparently the police had been in touch previous to our arrival saying I needed immediate attention. The nurse asked me questions such as; Where is sore? Do you know where you are? Do you remember what happened? 
It turned out I only had a bruised tummy and boob... Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ashton go absolutely scarlet red when the nurse asked me to take off my shirt. I could tell he was averting his eyes in embarrassment. Mum and Dad joked with him saying he'll never be good when he's married to which he responded by blushing even redder. However I could see him glance over once or twice making me flush. When the nurse asked me to remove my bra, Ashton and my dad left the room as quick as possible. Poor Ashton. Sometimes I feel he's secretly a ten year old boy who thinks girls have cooties. Although I was grateful he didn't stay and act as a peeping Tom.

It was now eleven o'clock at night and I was curled up in bed with Ashton, who my parents insisted stayed the night claiming I wouldn't sleep unless he was with me. I had my head on his chest and I could here his steady heartbeat. He played with strands of my brown hair and sang Next 2 You by Chris Brown and Justin Bieber. When he finished, I was nearly asleep and my eyes were too heavy to keep open. I was asleep. But I could still hear Ashton's voice, very, very quietly. He thought I was asleep.
"I'm so glad you're okay Bethany. I really do love you and I promise you will be my girlfriend soon."

Um Hi.... How are you? Um I'm kind of afraid to say anything in case yee snap at me for not updating or something like that...
But I have my reasons. I've had some stuff go on lately and I've been focusing on that... I've been away loads -meaning no WiFi- I've actually gone and got myself a life ;3 Also Gaelic Football started back so I've been averting my time to training for the championships. I know this is no excuse for not taking time to update and I am so so sorry! People were getting quite annoyed at me which I understand. 
On another note..... I haven't actually been keeping in track with 5SOS for the past month or two but I watched their twitcam the other day and they said they'RE COMING BACK TO IRELAND OMG I'M SO EXCITED
I'm back to school on the 28th of this month, so I'll try and get at least 2 more updates in, 4 at the most depending on this weekend! 

Wasn't this a nice chapter... kind of.... BUT CUTE EMBARRASSED ASHTON LIKE CMON WHO DOESNT LOVE THAT?!?!?!
There may or may not be drama in the next few chapters ;) 
Okay That's all... I feel like I was supposed to say so much more but I forget ooh.
K Baiiiii love yee long time x

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