F i f t y

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Thank you so much for 14k and 800 votes

Also, Happy New Year everyone I hope this year brings you many good things 💜


The New Year's Eve party at Jungkook's house started at 8 PM. Everyone had already arrived around that time and was currently sitting down, eating a meal together that Jungkook had cooked.

"Jungkook, this tastes great. I didn't know you could cook," said Seokjin.

Jungkook shrugged. "I didn't either."

Jimin chuckled. "You must be good at many things, you just don't know it."

The group of friends shared more laughs and conversations as they ate. When they were done, everyone sat together in Jungkook's living room.

Because Jungkook only had one couch, not everyone could fit. Jungkook ended up pulling up a chair since it was his house and Jimin ended up sitting on his lap. Everyone else sat together, feeling crammed on the couch.

"What is one thing that you guys can't wait to leave behind in 2020?" Yoongi asked.

While everyone answered bad habits that they wanted to get rid of, Jungkook had a different response.

"I plan to leave behind my old self. Ever since I met Jimin, I began to become a different person."

Jimin smiled as he turned to face his boyfriend and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"Okay, now what is one thing that you hope to bring into 2021?" Yoongi asked.

"A love life," Namjoon quickly replied. "I feel so single with you guys even though you're single as well, Yoongi."

"You know, you can easily solve that problem by dating Yoongi," said Hoseok.

Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged horrified glances. "That will never happen," they said in sync.

"We're just friends," Namjoon added.

"Anyway, back to my question," said Yoongi. "What I hope to bring into 2021 is if I have feelings for someone, I hope they feel the same way. I was kinda sad this year when I found out that someone I had feelings for, had feelings for someone else."

"Who broke Yoongi's heart?" Seokjin asked. "Whoever it is, I hope they regret it."

Yoongi let out a chuckled laugh. "It's okay, Seokjin. They're dating someone else and they're happy, so if they're happy then I'm happy too."

"That's really sweet. Who is it?" Jimin asked.

"Uh..." Yoongi didn't know what to say as he stared at Jimin. There was no way he was about to reveal that he has some feelings for him while currently sitting on Jungkook's lap.

"Maybe it's Yoongi doesn't want to share that part," said Namjoon.

Yoongi quickly nodded as he looked away from Jimin. "Yeah, I'm not ready to tell you guys yet."

"Okay, sorry for asking," Jimin apologized.

Yoongi stole a glance at Jimin and Jungkook's arms that were currently wrapped around his waist before looking away again.

"Okay, I'll go next," Hoseok said. "You know what I hope to bring into 2021?"

"What?" Seokjin asked as he fondly looked at his boyfriend.

"Another happy year of dating you."

Seokjin smiled wide as he wrapped his send around his boyfriend and pulled him close for a kiss.

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