F i f t y S e v e n

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Jungkook was glad when he didn't see his exes or old friends in any of his classes for the rest of that day. He found himself having a few classes in common with his new group of friends.

By the end of his last class, Jungkook was exhausted, both mentally and physically. He said goodbye to his new friends before he began to walk tiredly to his house.

However, on his way back home, Jungkook paused as he noticed the ice cream parlor that was by his house. Memories came back to cloud his mind as Jungkook recalled his first memory here.

Jimin had given him advice after Jungkook had gotten upset at Seokjin for questioning his relationship with Taehyung. Jungkook felt better afterward and even thanked Jimin before talking to Seokjin and both of them apologizing to each other. Jungkook had even taken Seokjin here as well to make up for their argument.

Another memory came to mind as Jungkook remembered his date with Taehyung. Jungkook had been so in love with him, but not anymore.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Jungkook walked into the ice cream parlor and ordered a simple vanilla-flavored ice cream despite the cold weather. Instead of going out to enjoy his ice cream on the tables placed outside, Jungkook took a seat in a booth inside the parlor.

There, Jungkook watched all the cars drive by through the window as he slowly ate his ice cream. Jungkook didn't want to go back home just yet. He was afraid to fill his mind with more uncontrollable thoughts. He didn't want to end up overthinking again like he had been for the past two weeks. Jungkook just wanted to have a peaceful day where no one or his thoughts would bother him.

After a while, Jungkook's ice cream has begun to melt due to the warm heating inside the ice cream parlor. Sighing, he knew he'd have to pick up his pace and eat his ice cream before it completely melted.

Jungkook tore his gaze away from the window as he focused on avoiding the melting ice cream from dripping while eating.

In the background, Jungkook heard the little bell ring as he heard a shuffling of footsteps enter the ice cream parlor. He didn't bother looking up as he wasn't interested in who it was unless it was one of his exes or friends. He would have quickly sprinted out of there.

"Jungkook, I always find you here," a soft-spoken honey voice said.

Jungkook froze upon hearing Namjoon's familiar voice. He slowly lifted his gaze to meet Namjoon's warm eyes.

"May I sit with you?"

Jungkook nodded his head. Instead of sprinting out of there as fast as he could like he said, Jungkook found himself staring back at Namjoon who was now sitting across from him.

"You do always find me here," spoke Jungkook in a low voice.

"What's the reason for this time?" Namjoon asked softly.

Jungkook hesitated, unsure of what to begin with because he had many reasons as to why he was here again.

"Is it because of what happened with Taehyung and Jimin?"

"That's part of the reason."

"Then what other reasons brought you here as well?" Namjoon asked in a calm voice."

"I have too many thoughts in my head," Jungkook answered truthfully. "I've been overthinking too much that it's taken a mental toll on me. I just wanted to distract myself for a bit before I went back home where it's quiet and the only thing I can hear are my thoughts."

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