S e v e n t e e n

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I graduated a few days ago and it was my birthday a few days ago as well I'm an adult now 🤩

Also, any carats reading? Left And Right just released today and it's such a bop.


Jungkook found Jimin standing outside of his class at the end of the day. He nervously glanced at him for a few seconds before he turned away, unable to make any eye contact.

"So, I guess we're going to your house since I can't dance today," said Jimin as he put his arm around Jungkook.

Jungkook flinched at the older's touch. Jimin turned to him and looked at him worriedly. "What's wrong?"

Jungkook shook his head. "Nothing," He said as he thought about their kiss.

Jimin still had his arm around Jungkook as they exited the school. They walked together in silence as Jungkook looked up at the sky noticing the sun wasn't so bright anymore and instead some clouds started to cover up the sunlight. Jungkook hoped that it wouldn't rain.!

Once they got to Jungkook's house, Jungkook unlocked the door before he let Jimin in first. He walked in after Jimin before closing the door behind him.

"I'll go get some snacks," Jungkook said as he headed to his kitchen, mainly to avoid conversing much with Jimin.

Jimin sat on Jungkook's couch as he waited for the male. He'd also noticed the clouds on his way there. He hoped that it didn't rain and if it did, he hoped that it would be after he got home.

Jungkook came back with some snacks after two long minutes in the kitchen, trying to figure out how he was supposed to act around Jimin now that they kissed.

I shouldn't have kissed him.

Jimin thanked him while studying the younger. "Is everything okay?" He asked after noticing that Jungkook was avoiding eye contact and barely said anything to him.

Jungkook nodded. "Everything is okay," He lied without even looking at Jimin. "Why don't I get started on dancing while you eat snacks?"

Jimin nodded, but then replied a simple, "Okay," to the younger who still wouldn't make eye contact with him.

Jungkook moved around a few things so that he could have enough space to dance in his living room while Jimin watched. He used his phone to play the song they had decided on before he began to dance.

Jimin paid close attention and noticed that Jungkook had incorporated both of their dance moves that they had suggested into the dance.

All while Jungkook danced some more, he felt the older's stare on him as Jimin watched, but still couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with Jimin.

Why did I kiss him? Why did I kiss him? Why did I kiss him? He repeated over and over in his head.

Lost in his thoughts, Jungkook wasn't paying attention and didn't notice that as he danced, he began to dance towards the couch where Jimin was at until he lost his balance and fell right on Jimin's lap.

Jungkook's eyes were wide as he stared into Jimin's wide eyes as well, both of them shocked at their positions, Jungkook was basically straddling Jimin's lap.

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