S i x t e e n

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Double update because I liked the way I ended the previous chapter and was too excited that I had to write some more

And thank you so much for 1k reads you guys are the best 🥺

I've also read your guys' opinions of Jimin and there's this one comment who's kinda on the right track


Jungkook didn't know what was happening. One moment he was crying and the next Jimin was kissing him.

He didn't know what came over him. He didn't bother to push Jimin away like the other few times Jimin attempted to kiss him, instead, Jungkook found himself liking the way Jimin's lips felt against his and soon he found himself kissing back.

Jimin moved his hand that was placed onto Jungkook's cheek, to the back of the younger's head, deepening the kiss.

To Jimin's surprise, he didn't think Jungkook would kiss back, but what surprised him more was when Jungkook began to push Jimin's body slowly and gently without breaking the kiss and laid him down back on the bed.

Jimin's arms instinctively wrapped around Jungkook's neck, pulling their bodies closer as they kissed. Their lips interlocking with one another while kissing softly, affectionately, and everything else that Jungkook ever wished for when he kissed Taehyung.

He'd never felt this much passion in a kiss, but Jimin, the way he kissed him made Jungkook feel some type of way. He wished that Taehyung would kiss him just as a Jimin was kissing him.

"I'm back I hope you guys didn't have too much-"

Realization finally sank in after hearing Nurse Irene's voice in the room again. Jungkook immediately broke away from the kiss and as he stared down at Jimin who was panting just as he was and was staring up at him.

Jungkook noticed that Jimin's lips looked red and a bit swollen and he wondered if his lips looked like that as well.

"...I walked in on quite a scene," Nurse Irene finally spoke again after just witnessing the scene in her office. "I...I'll just pretend like I...didn't see...that."

"I apologize for such behavior in your office, Nurse Irene," Jimin spoke up as he noticed that Jungkook was still in shock.

"No, it's fine. I can't stop two college boyfriends from having fun," She said as she smiled. "And besides, I said I would pretend like I didn't see that."

Jimin nodded before his eyes landed back on Jungkook. The younger had a hand lightly grazing his lips, afraid of what he had just done.


"I have to go, Jimin," Jungkook quickly said as he collected his things and left the nurse's office as fast as he could.

A small smirk formed on the corner of Jimin's lips as he gently touched them, the feeling of Jungkook lips on his still lingered there.


Jungkook anxiously sat at lunch together with his friends. He had returned to his dance class and informed the teacher that Jimin wasn't feeling.

As he sat with his friends he wondered if Taehyung would sit with them as well. He wondered if Jimin would sit with them too. He hoped that neither of them did because he wasn't sure how to act in front of them.

Jungkook was in the middle of having an internal battle with himself as to why he kissed Jimin back when Seokjin spoke up, breaking him away from his thoughts.

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