T h i r t y O n e

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Thank you so much we reached 200 votes and this book is also #3 in Namkook despite them only having talked like two or three times so far but don't worry there will be more Namkook scenes



Jimin rubbed his clothed member against Taehyung's, the younger trying his best to restrain his moans as Jimin kissed his neck.

Jimin was trying to get a reaction out of Taehyung, but he knew that the younger was refusing.

As he sucked on Taehyung's neck, he suddenly bit down, making Taehyung release his moan that he was holding back.

Jimin smirked in satisfaction before quickly removing their clothes off each other, too eager to finally get what he wanted.

Taehyung was biting down on his bottom lip as Jimin grabbed his member and teased him.

"Come on, Tae," Jimin teased as he gave Taehyung's member a squeeze. "Why don't you moan again? Why are holding yourself back?"

Taehyung said nothing as he closed his eyes, biting down on his bottom lip harder. Jimin continued his teasing, making Taehyung squirm.

Since Taehyung was refusing to moan again, Jimin was getting even more frustrated. He stopped teasing Taehyung, the younger letting out a soft breath as he kept his eyes closed, waiting for what Jimin would do, but instead, he heard the older moaning.

Taehyung opened his eyes on confusion as he shifted his body on the bed, his elbows resting against the mattress as he propped himself up.

And sitting in front of him, sat Jimin with his legs spread open and his hand on his member, touching himself while his other hand was clutching onto the bedsheets.

Taehyung was about it to reach out and touch Jimin, but the older was quick to slap his arm away. Taehyung felt himself being pushed back on the bed by Jimin while the older continued touching himself.

Desperate to touch anything as he stared at Jimin, Taehyung put a hand around his member about to do the same as Jimin, but Jimin stopped him again.

"Don't," he said in a low warning voice that Taehyung had never heard Jimin use before. "You will watch until I am done and you will not touch yourself."

Something about Jimin's voice scared Taehyung, so he nodded his head, his hands resting on the bedsheets as he watched Jimin through lustful eyes.

Jimin had his eyes closed, his hand going at a fast past face as he let out soft moans. His lips were parted open and Taehyung found himself staring at the older's lips, admiring how kissable they looked.

He wanted to reach out, grab Jimin and press their lips together, but as Taehyung imagined himself kissing Jimin, Jungkook's face suddenly came into his mind, and soon he was imagining himself kissing his ex-boyfriend.

Taehyung's eyes widened as his imagination got the best of him. He shook his head, his eyes now focusing on Jimin's hand.

He anxiously bit his bottom lip again, wanting his hands around Jimin's member. Taehyung lustfully watched as the tip of Jimin's member started spitting out cum.

Jimin opened his eyes and found himself staring back at Taehyung whose eyes were filled with lust and his hands clutching onto the bedsheets while biting down on his bottom lip.

Jimin smirked as he hovered over Taehyung, pressing their now bare members against each other.

Taehyung let out a shaky breath as his hands reached out to cup Jimin's face. "I need you, Jimin," he whispered.

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