E l e v e n

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That same day Taehyung found Jimin alone, waiting for Jungkook. Before his boyfriend could appear he quickly made his way to Jimin.

"Jimin are you still mad at me?" He asked as he approached him.

Jimin said nothing and ignored him.

"Jimin, please, let's go to my house and talk."

"No," Jimin finally replied. "Your way of talk is having sex with me. I'm not having sex with you until you break up with Jungkook."

"I promise, I will, but not yet."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I got plans anyway."

"What kinds of plans?"

Jimin ignored Taehyung again. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently on the floor.

"Jimin, really?"

More silence.

"Jimin, come on. Just talk to me already, I miss my best friend."

Jimin rolled his eyes, but once again said nothing.

"I'll walk you home," Taehyung offered.

Jimin turned his head the other way so he wouldn't have to look at Taehyung and instead looked in the direction of the hallway that Jungkook would be coming from.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

Jimin continued ignoring Taehyung.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Jimin was honestly getting tired of Taehyung's questions. He huffed in annoyance before walking away to wait outside Jungkook's classroom instead.

Taehyung followed him and not a moment too soon, Jungkook walked out of his class. "I'm sorry I took so long, my artwork wasn't saving."

"It's fine," said Jimin. "Let's go."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow confused until Jungkook finally noticed him. "Oh, hi Tae. I'm actually busy right now. Jimin and I have to work on a choreography together for our dance class."

Taehyung nodded while his eyes barely glanced at Jungkook. They were mainly focused on Jimin. "Have fun," he said bitterly while looking at Jimin and walking away.

Jungkook frowned. "Are you two still fighting?"

"Aren't you mad that he barely acknowledged you?" Jimin asked.

"He seemed to be mad at you."

"Well, until my so-called best friend gets done what he's supposed to do, I'll talk to him again."

"Let's go get ice cream," said Jungkook. "You look like you could use something to cheer you up."

And so, the two boys walked together to the ice cream parlor and ordered what they wanted.

They were sitting across from each other as Jungkook ate his cookies n'cream flavor while Jimin had a strawberry, just like the first time.

"Jimin, your ice cream is starting to melt," Jungkook said after he noticed the other staring at him rather than eating the ice cream.

Jimin looked down at his hand and sure enough, the ice cream was starting to melt. He brought the cone close to his mouth where he licked and tasted the delicious flavor of strawberry ice cream and the coldness of it.

"So, since you showed me some moves yesterday, I was thinking I show you some of mine today and we can see what moves to incorporate from there," said Jungkook.

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