T w e n t y F i v e

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Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi sat together at their usual lunch table that Monday. Jungkook used to sit with them at breakfast but now that he's been hanging out with Jimin, the younger hasn't hung out with them in the mornings. It was fine though, they didn't mind, they understood that Jungkook had another friend and made time for them whenever he could.

"I feel bad for Jungkook. He's so sweet, Taehyung didn't deserve him," said Hoseok as his head was resting on Seokjin's shoulder.

"I had a bad feeling about him from the beginning, but then I started to like him. I'm glad I haven't seen him yet or I would have punched him already for hurting our Kookie," said Seokjin while fisting his hand at the thought of Taehyung.

"As a psychology student, you shouldn't just act out. You have to think about your actions as well," said Yoongi. "You want to punch Taehyung because he hurt Jungkook, but you'll end up getting hurt too. You might lose your scholarship or you could get expelled from campus."

Seokjin let his fist uncurl as Hoseok grabbed his hand and interlocked their fingers. "You're right. I should punch him outside of the campus."

Yoongi frowned while Hoseok shook his head. "Jungkook said that Taehyung broke up with him because he didn't fulfill his sexual needs and found someone else to fulfill them, right?"

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, but Jungkook said that Taehyung didn't tell him who."

"What if it was Jimin?"

Hoseok and Yoongi raised their eyebrows in confusion. "Have you not seen who's been helping Jungkook get over Taehyung?" Asked Hoseok. "I don't think it was Jimin and I know we all used to think Jimin and Taehyung had a thing, but Jimin also seems to have chosen Jungkook's side. He's always with Jungkook whenever he can."

Seokjin pursed his lips. "I just want to know who cheated on Jungkook, so I can ask if all the sex was worth it. Are they happy now that they have Taehyung's dick all to themselves now?"

"It shouldn't matter who Taehyung cheated on Jungkook with, that's his loss. He lost someone special," said a Yoongi.

"I don't know, I still had a bad feeling. Remember when Jungkook said that he saw Jimin and Taehyung at a party together and thought that Taehyung cheated on him?" Asked Seokjin. "What if it was Jimin who Taehyung cheated on Jungkook with and what if that was when it all began?"

"...I think you're just getting too creative up in your head with stories," said Hoseok with a chuckle. "I had a bad feeling about Taehyung as well, we all did, but Jimin, I feel nothing but, empathy. We had a bad feeling for him as well, but the more he started hanging out with Jungkook, the more we got to know him. He knew his best friend was in the wrong for cheating on Jungkook. Besides, you should see them in dance class. Jimin is really supportive."

Seokjin sighed, nodding his head and squeezing his boyfriend's hand that was still interlocked with his. "You're right, I'm getting too creative in my head. I'm just very protective over Jungkook, especially now that he's had his heartbroken by the guy he loved and still loves so much."

"We're all protective over Jungkook, but I know he'll move on. Like Hoseok said, Jimin is really supportive, so he'll have Jimin and us to help him," said Yoongi while a small formed on his lips.

The three friends ate their breakfast before they began to make their way to their classes, Seokjin and Hoseok sharing a kiss before parting ways and Yoongi scrunching his nose and quickly collecting his things to get away from his friends.


Taehyung laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom, debating whether or not he should go to his classes.

It's been a week since he broke up with Jungkook and he hasn't gone to school since. He's been spending time with Jimin, having sex with him and reminding the older how much he loved him, but no matter how many times Taehyung has said it, he always felt a slight pain in his chest.

He remembered that Jungkook would always tell him that he loved him and he would say it back, but once he lost his feelings for the younger, he stopped saying it back.

Taehyung loved Jimin now, but he didn't understand why he always felt some pain inside of him whenever he told Jimin that he loved him.

Taehyung sighed and sat up, realizing that he has finals coming up and he didn't want to fail them because he wouldn't be able to make them up, so he lazily up and began to get dressed.

He heard the sheets moving around and he turned around to see Jimin sitting up on the bed, his hair messy with some hairs sticking out and his eyes squinted as they tried to adjust to the sunlight coming in through the bedroom window.

"You're going to your classes today?" Asked Jimin his groggy morning voice. He rubbed his eyes as he tried his best to stay awake as he also had classes to attend.

"Yeah, can't fail finals," said Taehyung as he finished pulling up his pants. He walked back to the bed with Jimin and pulled the older into his chest and kissed the top of his head.

Jimin sighed, feeling content and wrapped his arms around Taehyung, his eyes beginning to feel droopy once again.

"Hey, keep your eyes open," Taehyung softly called out as he looked down and noticed Jimin's eyes were now closed.

Jimin groaned and opened his eyes again. He let go of Taehyung and got up from the bed. He picked up his clothes that Taehyung had tossed away the night before and put them on before putting on his shoes as well all while Taehyung watched him get dressed.

"Too bad we can't kiss at school," said Jimin as he approached the younger and placed a kiss over Taehyung's lips.

"Why don't you just tell Jungkook about us? You so badly wanted me to break up with him, so why can't you just tell him that you're the guy I cheated on him with?" Asked Taehyung as his arms wrapped around Jimin.

Jimin looked down at Taehyung who was sitting on the bed. "I can't just tell him yet. You literally just broke him with him last week. He still loves you."

"But I love you," said Taehyung as he stood up from the bed to give himself better access to Jimin's lips and kissed him.

Jimin quickly pulled away making Taehyung raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What?"

"Morning breath," said Jimin. "That's why I only gave you a peck and not a real kiss."

Taehyung shrugged and placed a kiss on Jimin's cheek instead. "See you in between classes," he said as he smacked Jimin's ass as the older began to walk away.

Once Jimin had left Taehyung's apartment, he sat in his car and brought a hand to his lips. Now that he's kissed Jungkook quite a few times, he can't get the feeling of the heartbroken boy's lips off of him, not even when Taehyung kisses him.

Taehyung's lips are different. They're slightly chapped and his kisses are a bit tougher than Jungkook's.

Jungkook's lips are soft and they feel delicate when whenever Jimin kisses him. His kisses are gentle but can turn dominating while they're having sex.

It was then that Jimin realized that he preferred Jungkook's kisses more and how he yearned to be with the heartbroken boy just to kiss him and to feel his lips once again.


I know there wasn't any Jungkook dialogue in this chapter, but I did want to include his friends and even Jimin and Taehyung's thoughts about Jungkook and the breakup.

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