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So this was edited buttttt not alot because I can't really edit the smut because I don't know how and Don't really wanna read through that cringe..sooo if you want skip this chap? 🤷🏽‍♀️

...okay soooo this one was requested and I try to do y'alls request asap hope you enjoy🙃

"Truth or dare?" Roddy asked me as we were in the middle of playing, "Dare" I replied knowing he was gonna say some shit for me to do, but I was surprised when he pulled out a blue pill and said "Take this". I knew what it was 'cause I seen it before but I wasn't about to get horny infront of Roddy, so thinking fast I said "Take it with me" and his face went into a blank expression from the smirk it once held "oh but you want me to take It" I said as he held the same expression. "Aight, I'mma take it shordy" he said going to get a bottle of water from the fridge and coming back to the table placing the pill in his mouth before sipping some of the water as I did the same but waterfalled it instead.

After five minutes, the pill still hadn't kicked in so I asked "Roddy what kinda viagra is this?", "You not horny shordy?" Roddy asked while rubbing his crotch making me look down to see him rock hard through his grey sweats, I laughed at him before deciding to tease him more, we were best friends but we was always teasing each other and flirting and all that so I went into the fridge to get a popsicle and started licking it from the bottom to the top slowly before flicking my tongue around the tip then putting it into my mouth, when I heard Roddy let out a grunt. I don't know if it was me or the viagra but that shit turned me on so I excused myself to go into the washroom to remove myself from Roddy and his groaning 'cause he fine but God knows I don't wanna fuck my best friend.

Scrolling through my phone, I began to feel hot so I took off the hoodie I was wearing leaving me in my shorts and my bra, After a while that wasn't enough for me so I took off my shorts as well as I heard knocking on the door. "y/n hurry up in there damn" Roddy said as he twisted the knob on the locked door "Shordy, unless you finna come deal with this for me, unlock the damn door" he said sounding frustrated "ok I'm coming" I said as I unlocked the the door completely forgetting I was half naked. "Fuck" Roddy groaned looking at me up and down before then shutting his eyes closed and groaning again, pulling his bottom lip in with his teeth making me quickly pick up my hoodie to hide my body with as Roddy stepped into the bathroom making me step back as he continued to step forward till my back was met with the wall. Sandwiching me between him and the wall, Roddy pulled my chin up so our eyes locked, keeping his bottom lip sucked in so I reached up and tugged at it with my thumb, freeing it before he reached down and kissed me, that turned into a makeout session before Roddy pulled away and took my hand leading me into his bedroom that was down the hall.

When we got there, we began undressing each other as we stood in front of each other, I pulled out his member and started stroking it, before staring up into Roddy's eyes searching for permission and he probably noticed that I was nervous and asked "Shordy you sure bout this?" as he held my face in his hands making me nod my head before going down on my knees so my face was at the same level at his member stroking it one more time before licking the tip earning a moan,licking from the bottom to the top slowly like I did with the popsicle, then slightly took him into my mouth Roddy apparently didn't like the pace since he pushed my head down his shaft"Ahh fuck bab- he got cut off by me bobbing my head down his member quickly making him throw his head back as he held my hair in place so it wouldn't get in the way, after about ten minutes of me going down on him, I heard him say "fuck shordy, I'm finna cum " and not even three good seconds after he said it I felt him nut in my mouth after I swallowed it all Roddy looked down at me with his eyes wide open when we made eye contact "Fuck you mines now" he said as me pulled me up by my waist and placed me on the bed, pushing my legs apart before going between them, kissing from inside my thighs to to my pussy licking along the slit. He looked me in the eyes as he started sucking on my clit then placed two fingers inside of me continuing his work on my clit making my back go into a full arch as he pumped in and out of me hard causing me to moan hella loud as he continued "Roddy I'm finna cum" I said as I approached my climax "hold that shit" he said as he got back up trailing kisses from my pussy, onto my stomach, through the valley of my breast stopping to take on of my nipples between his two fingers as he covered the other one with his mouth making me moan out "FUCKKK RODDYYYYY" 'cause he started back pumping his two fingers making it hard for me to hold my climax in as I started to grind against his two fingers when he moved up to my neck sucking on it and leaving kisses. "Daddy, I can't hold it in" I said , "I said hold that shit" he breathed out as he pulled out his fingers then got up hovering above me before he rubbed his tip against my slit, "Roddy" I whined "Yes shordy" he replied smirking "stop teasing me " I said as I placed my index and middle finger on my clit rubbing it in an eight motion for a few seconds before Roddy smacked my hands away, roughly inserting his member, not giving me space to adjust as he rammed into me making me whimper as he continued drilling me making my back arch again in response, as he bucked his hips ito me causing me to feel all of his length.

Y'all I think this the longest smut shit I think I ever wrote...

Y'all serious question tho is my smut good? or is it wack asf cuz I be rereading and cringing soo.......

anywayzz Ion know when I'mma update again so... happy new year I hope 2021 meets y'all with prosperity and all that VOTE.COMMENT.AND ALLAT <3 <3

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