Can't Stand You

419 13 14


I stared at my phone, watching as the three dots appeared again for the fourth time... to be met with nothing.
Earlier I texted Rodrick wanting to talk about whatever we were;


Hey, text me when you
see this I need to talk to
you about something...

I'm here...
Whatchu wanna say?

So like you serious?


Serious about?

This whole together/
relationship thing.



I just want you to be sure


I contemplated as my fingers typed out the next text, wondering what he was about to say, wondering if I really want to do this. I finished typing though and sent it before I overthinked.

Because I don't like to
play games with my

I mentally cringed as I saw the word seen instead of the constant three dots... would he think I was too... me?
Before I could start getting anxious, my phone dinged with a reply, pulling me out of mt train of thought.


Yea? Nigga what? What the hell am I supposed to do with yea? Yea do I walk through the valley of the shadow of death? Nigga I know I fear no evil🙄 the only evil in my life was the overthinking you put me through constantly. Yea headass *smacks teeth I want the h ma dude😭.

**flashback over**

Come onnnnnn.... type somethinggggg!

I'm serious about us


My two brain cells don't know how to react to this, what am I supposed to say? Ok? Thank you?

Magically though, I found myself typing a response to his message;

So... what I want you to
do is... think over everything
because I really don't think
you're serious

If this dude knew how much I hated that😭


Are you really not gonna say nothingggg? Yet again, I have to carry the burden of our communication because you don't. I mentally rolled my eyes as I began to type.


Oop... spoke too soon🤪 it's the three dots, I backspaced what I was about to type and waited for him to speak his mind.

I am serious

See, this what I don't like about this whole situation... see I met Rodrick at one of his concerts last year and he wanted to meet up after but I ditched him when I seen him posted up with some female rubbing on his chest, I didn't need that in my life.. A couple weeks back though, I went live to promote my business and guess who popped up?

Roddyricch has joined

Of course I was already following him but I didn't expect a nigga to go stalking, its usually the other way around... anyway... when I ended the live ya girl saw a notification come across the top of her phone;

_._y/ndadoll_._ : @roddyricch sent you a message.

And from there we've been talking back and forth, but what getting me is that he's asking if we could be together and costantly saying I love you like, the other day we were on the phone and I told him I had to got and he was like...

I love you

So I said thank you,the love and affection is greatly appreciated...

Tell me why this nigga hung up in my face and didn't speak to me till 72 hours later?

And thats why we are where we at currently...


I love you

Now why would he say that again?

Hey my butterflies🦋

Thailand: Roddy Ricch Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now