Forever Ricch💙

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"Rodrick I am not playing, you're about to get married in two days, I don't want your wife to think you still love me or whatever" I said as I helped my son fit into his tuxedo. This boy always trying something for real I swear. "I love you still though, I miss you shawty, I- " his speech was cut short by his fiancé walking into the room. I'm not a hater so I'm not gonna lie and say she's ugly or anything like that, I'm not bitter either so even if I see a problem between her and Rodrick I ignore it, I mean as long as my son and I aren't disrespected nothing about her should bother me. So I don't let it, "Y/N" Rodrick called while she inspected his tuxedo, we were in the fitting room of the bridal store and I could see he needed a break from this girl. Not my business though.

"Y/n!" he shouted at me, grabbing my attention. "Why are you shouting?" I asked "And what do you want?" I looked at him waiting for a response but feeling the glare of his soon to be, he sighed and never answered.

She was controlling, I saw it even in the little things, the way she looks at him when he's about to say something, the way she obnoxiously fake laughs when something doesn't go her way, saying "It's fine really, I know you don't love me", but she doesn't try to control my child matter of fact, she knows she can't, so I have no business putting myself in the middle of their relationship. "Y/n I'd be so happy if you could make our wedding!" she shrieked loudly as she searched for possibly the invitation in her bag.

"I have other plans" I say, halting her search.

"What do you mean? Y/s/n is coming to the wedding!" She said with a look of fake disappointment "He's going to be staying with Rodrick's mother after the wedding and I already told you I have plans" I sigh, knowing what would come next. First the outburst; "You have to come! Why won't you come?!" she questioned, just as I predicted. Next was the bribery, "Cancel your plans, You'll be part of the wedding party" Roddy and I sighed as we knew exactly what was next. She burst out into a fake hurt laugh and said "I mean why would you? You hate me! Roddy she hates me!" She said pulling at the front of his suit jacket .

(A/n: Bitches be Bonkersssssss anyway continue......)

"Girl stop pulling on my damn suit jacket and she ain't hate yo' white ass, she ain't got the time" Roddy says, removing her hands from his suit jacket. I gave Roddy a look as I covered Y/s/n's ears, this boy got no filter.

(A/n: I do apologize for stereotypes used, but I lowkey kinda Imagine the fiancé having the same needy, whiny personality as sharpay from high school musical..lmaooo this is for entertainment only though)

"If she doesn't hate me that means she has to come to our wedding" she said, walking over to me with the enveloped invitation. "You have to come" she demanded shoving that shit into my hand. "First of all, the only shit I HAVE to do is stay black and die, secondly, You're lucky my son is even coming, I don't like him around your controlling personality in the first place and Thirdly, if I say I have plans, I have plans periodt! you ain't my mama you can't tell me where to and where not to go, you may be able to try that and succeed with your fiancé, but not me, so don't try it" I said going back to removing my son's tux. I needed to get away from this woman, urgently. She still stood there in shock by the time I was able to finish getting y/s/n out of the tux he was trying on an into his regular clothes. I have a feeling nobody's ever spoken to her that way before, but fuck it, first time for everything they say. I hanged the tux back up on the rack of items they were buying and felt her eyes on me with my every move.

"Close your mouth, sweetheart, I think I saw a fly" That was the last thing I said to her before giving Roddy a nod, letting him know I was heading out and getting myself and my child out of there.


It's been a week since the whole confrontation and wedding happened, honestly I feel indebted to Roddy for not going, but God knows that my heart couldn't take the torture of seeing him give himself to a woman like her. I could've went and stopped the wedding, but he could've stopped it himself if he wanted to. Y/s/n was still at his grandma's and Roddy was supposed to be back from their honeymoon today. I...I was indulged in my "plans". Probably wondering what that was? I'll give you four words, Ice cream. Memories. Pictures. Videos.

Y'all smart. piece it together.

I was in the middle of watching the pictures and videos of when he gave me the promise ring that I still wear. If you told me that the next day we'd break up over a publicity stunt on that night, I wouldn't believe you. If you told me he'd never change the promise ring to an engagement ring and someday a wedding ring, I would say you big capping. I loved him, I still do too.

My phone rang and I was confused at the caller ID, I picked up anyway though, "Shawty" I heard his voice through the phone "Open the door, we gotta talk".

hello it's ya fav's fav and I like red jell-o, don't really fuck with the colour yellowwwwwwwwwwww y'all doing

this update is dedicated to @Itzme_Ari101 thank you babes for the idea♥

don't forget to request!

yafav'sfav OUT!

Thailand: Roddy Ricch Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now