And So We Meet Again...

362 20 17

...That title so cringy🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

The house was boring as I waited for my boyfriend, Jay, to get out the shower. I sat on the couch fully dressed, scrolling through my insta feed, I was about to exit the app when I saw that my ex, Roddy posted....


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roddyricch 🎶🎶gotta keep it on me don't wanna die young🎶🎶

(A/n that number and post was random asf don't come for me and
is it just me or does dude hv no posts at alllll like I went to see what his last post was and it was like he had none?)

I sighed as I looked at him, I heard about whatever happened at his shoot with 42 dugg, and I don't know why but my heart was worried for him, I know I never stopped loving Rodrick, it's just that I have Jay and I'm trying to build my relationship with him. I zoned out thinking about Rodrick, thinking about how things ended and how it would've been if it happened diferently....

I was on my way back home from shopping and getting my hair and nails done. I had just got some knotless braids and ya girl's edges was on fleek💅🏾 don't get me started on my acrylics . Pulling up to the driveway, I switched off my car and headed inside. I saw Roddy's car outside and already knew he was at home, so I was excited to model for him and show him what I got done with my hair and nails 'cause he was always hyping me up and making me special. Cheesing hard at how he was gone react to me getting all dolled up for him, I pushed open our bedroom door. "Bab- ", I was stopped by Roddy putting up his finger at me telling me to hush, I was annoyed but I thought maybe it was an important call, so I just set down my shopping bags in the closet. "Nawwwl she just my sister " I heard Roddy say to the person on the phone, causing me to scrunch up my face 'cause who was his sister? Not me!
I walked out the closet and snatched Roddy's phone out his hand and walk into the bathroom and locked the door behind me before attending to the matter at hand "heyyy I'm Roddy's sister Y/n, are you his girlfriend?" I said trying to sound pleasent even though I was mad "Yeah" she giggled "I'm his girlfriend Nia" I rolled my eyes at the phone, knowing she couldn't see me before saying, "oh! well I hope Roddy doesn't drop you for someone else too!" I said as I opened the door and shoved Roddy's phone into his chest before getting my bags from the closet and packing what I could. "Y/n, bae Y/n" Roddy said as he came to where I was taking out my clothes and placing them back in the closet "RODRICK LET ME FUCKING LEAVE!" I said biting back my tears as he finally let me pack clothes in peace saying "Aight"
Flashback over**

"Y/N!" I heard, snapping me out of my thoughts as I saw Jay infront of me looking worried "I'm sorry, baby I guess I zoned out, when did you get out?" I said in genuine confusion, wondering why after three years, Rodrick was on my mind. "Okay bae and I got out the shower five minutes ago, you ready?" He asked referring to our plans tonight, "mhmmm let me just slip on my shoes'' I said, getting up and heading to the door as I put my shoes on.

"Ready!" I said to Jay as he nodded in response walking behind me as we left.

We got to the restaurant and it was chill and laidback just like Jay had described, don't get my nigga wrong tho, he be spoiling ya girl with his love until I gotta stop him sometimes, he be wanting to take me to all these fancy restaurants so I asked him to take me somewhere chill this time and he did. We got into the booth and was talking, looking over the menus and just enjoying each other's company, until..."shiii Y/n???" I heard and I knew that voice anywhere, I mentally face palmed and I saw Jay's face harden as Roddy made his way over to us. "Damn Y/n long time no see shordy," he paused his sentence, noticing Jay on the opposite side of me in the booth and tell me why this nigga really said "Y/n who's this? your brother?". "Nah I- " Roddy, Jay is my boyfriend of two years and we're here on a date, sorry not all of us date our siblings" I said with a fake smile as I turned back to Jay, I'm not a bitter person but seeing Roddy just brought back up all the emotions that I try to keep suppressed and I love Jay why would I go back to Roddy right?
"Well enjoy y'all dinner Roddy said leaving.

That night, I was constantly zoning out and questioning my relationship with Jay, I don't wanna push Jay away to go back into something that didn't work just to have my heartbroken again. Recently, Jay has been acting different, really suspicious and constantly asking if I still think about Roddy and everytime I'd tell him no, he mumble under his breath and walk away getting really hostile. Roddy has been doing the most too and I understand why Jay would feel insecure 'cause he's been showing up to my work place, sending flowers and gifts, I never really accept them though, I just leave them in the corner of my office but Jay's been telling me to throw them away, I respect my relationship but I don't think I can just throw them out like that.

How are y'all?
And I'mma be updating slow asf these days, but y'all can pm me with requests if y'all want✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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