Ms. Ricch (a mother's role) P.4

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"Say that again?" I said as I looked  into his eyes "*smacks teeth* you play to much cuh, I said I'm sorry" he said for the third time. "show me" I said going back to my  side of the bed and laying on my side. "oh so you want daddy? huh?" he said, I got up and smacked him upside the head, "You too nasty!" I said turning back around smiling because I got an apology "Comeee onnnnn baeeee" he dragged out his words "NO" I said. I felt Roddy get off the bed, followed by him going into the en~suite bathroom, I heard random ass shuffling in the draws and at this point I sat up 'cause wtf you gone so long about? I heard his footsteps coming back to the bedroom and I tried to go back to my previous position but not fast enough as he saw me pull the covers and chuckled in response. He pulled the draw by the bedside table and dropped something in, making me whip my head around barely catching a glance of it before mugging him and asking "Nigga are you in love with the draws? I just put four whole kids to sleep! What do you want?". "I want you to put me to sleep too baby" he said "My nigga if you were really tryna get coochie you'd try another line because what the hell was that" I laughed "Baby deprivation of pussy is not good for a hood nigga" he reasoned "Good thing you ain't one I guess" I shot back "Why are you like thisss???" He asked "Ion know ma dude! Ask my mama" I said shrugging, looking him dead in the face "Now hush and go to sleep"

This a filler chapter so run it up😖😖😖

Thailand: Roddy Ricch Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now