Professor Moore👨🏾‍🏫P.2

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After all my classes for the day, I contemplated on whether I was gonna go to Mr. Moore's house. I was conflicted because I knew he'd just find me if I didn't and I also knew that he'd just have his way with me for the two weeks I wasn't there. I ended up going home and taking a hot shower and heading to his house.

I know, I hate my dumbass too, I must have wheelchair expense money right?

I had on his favourite matching lace pair of bra and panties. I needed to butter this nigga up somehow😭🥲
Anyway, I got to his house and didn't see his car in the driveway, I let out a huge sigh of relief. I used the spare key he gave me and unlocked the door going upstairs and into his room.

I internally groaned when I got to his room, hearing the water in the shower cut off. I sighed as I sat on the bed, knowing that whatever he had planned for me was gonna be ten times worst, for me at least.

He came out of the shower with a menacing smirk, towel wrapped lowly around his waist as he walked toward me with lustful intent.


I mentally said a prayer as he led me to the accent chair in his room, putting me on his lap as before, he started sucking on my neck, I knew this was probably the only love making he'd make with my recent activity, so I let him continue to violate my neck with hickeys "Fuck Roddy" I moan out loudly before he covered my mouth with a kiss and fuck I was so needy right now. "Wait. Like. You. Made. Me. Y/n" he chuckled stopping between each word to go back to my neck, as he spread my legs.

He left from kissing my neck and to choking me out slightly. I felt him get harder and he started rubbing me through the lace panties I had on and I whined, begging him to stop. "Nah, you a fucking g right? You can fucking walk in and out my motherfucking class right?" he asked in a vexed tone as I felt his hand start to move circles on my clothed clit. "Daddy please!" I cried quietly out as my breath picked up, my back arching, wanting to just feel more of him.

"what you want?" He asked, stopping his movement on my clit and instead moved so that he was now on his knees in front of me. "Please?" I whined, almost breathlessly, from the lack of contact with my clit. "Suck" he said, putting his index and middle finger in my mouth, removing them when it was wet enough.

"You want me to do it like this? " He said as he slid the panties to side side and eased his fingers into me. "Fuck ma, you so wet for me" he said curling his fingers when he got to my spot and started hitting it repeatedly, he rubbed on my clit with his thumb and bit his lip at my fucked out expression.

"I asked a question bae, this what you want?" He continued to question, I couldn't do anything but nod moaning as he fastened his pace on my clit. "Words Y/n!" He demanded and at this point I could care less about him punishing me. " ouuuu shit! yessss Roddy fuck! " I moaned. He really got down from there and started french kissing my pussy, his motion changed and he started talking against my pussy, his fingers still pumping in and out as I grinded my waist along with their rhythm. "You wanted this shit right? All along huh? Wanted attention?" He asked and the vibrations alone could've made me cum.

"I'm finna cum Roddy!" I whimper, as he put his mouth back on me, making out my pussy, eating like he ain't ate shit in years. "Hold it" he said against my swollen clit as he continued sucking on it. I pulled my legs together when I felt myself on the verge, but he spread them again, holding them apart this time, putting either one over the armrests and I threw my head back squirming as he continued.

"Roddy I can't hold it!" I screamed right before he moved up from between my legs and licked fingers off with a smile, cutting off my climax.

"You taste so good baby" he said. He kissed me intensely, letting me taste myself. He picked me up from the chair in the room and moved us to the bed, never breaking the kiss."Put your leg up on my shoulder" he groaned. I put my leg up, toes touching his ear lobe as he held my ankle in place and used the other to rub his tip along my already wet slit. "Fuck baby" he breathed out "You still on the pill?" He asked as I nodded in response. He aligned his member with my hole and slid himself in " Fuck"he hissed as he started grinding his hips into mine, not giving me time to adjust to him again."Fuck mamas this pussy still so tight" Roddy grunted as he quickened his pace. He rolled his hips into me with every thrust, leaving me fumbling for words to moan.

"Oooouuu daddy right there!" I said, feeling him hitting my spot "Right there mamas?" He asked continuing to hit my spot, speeding up, if that was still humanly possible. "FUCKKKK RODD-" I was cut off by my mouth being covered with Roddy's , "you feel so fucking good baby" Roddy said as he broke the kiss, his strokes getting sloppier, letting me know he was close. He was still trying to thrust at the same pace as our climaxes approached, I shook violently when I did.

"Ringggggg!" We heard Roddy's ringtone, I took it as my chance, to let my body relax, but he had other plans.

He answered the phone as he removed my leg from it's place on his shoulder. "Hello?" He answered, regulating his breating so fast, it was hard to believe he was just having sex. He placed his finger on my mouth, telling me to be quiet, I nodded as he slid back deep into my throbbing pussy.

I immediately clenched when I felt his length push into me fully. "Uhhh no you're fine I was just handling something" he said to the person as he started to move. He continued his previous stroke motions, rolling his hips with every stroke. Sweat dripped down his chest and unto mine as he continued his slow strokes. "I don't think so Ms. Martineaux" he said as he guided my arched back along his member. He tugged at my bottom lip, pulling it from between my teeth as he looked me in the eyes as he continued his conversation. I moved my hips against his slower motion, trying to find my climax. I instantly regretted it as he sped up his pace, holding my hips in place. I bit my bottom lip again, in an attempt to suppress a moan, but it was hard "mmmmmm" I eventually hummed out "yes Ms. Martineaux everything's okay" he said "goodbye" as he hung up.

It was completely the end of my pussy here, "I. Told. You. Not. To. Moan" he said between each harsh thrust. He pulled out and started sliding his member along my slit, teasing me, occasionally slapping it against my clit.

I got tired of him teasing me, so I held myself up on one hand and used the other to rub myself out in an attempt for me to get my climax, "Fuck you doing?" Roddy said, smacking his teeth, as he bat away my hand, settling himself deep inside me once again and started rolling his hips again, my clit throbbed as I creamed on his dick. I look down at the way he was penetrating me and the sight alone made me cum"Fuck! Roddyy!!!! " I screamed as I came again. I felt myself squirt all over him and then relaxed my body, regulating my breathing.

"We not done, that was me going easy on you, I'mma just run you a bath for now" he said getting up "tell your teachers you can't come to class for a while, since you like skipping mine"

Damn...y/n you like threesomes? I want me some of that dick🥺🥲


Its been so long since I've written smut😭 I feel like I've gotten worse

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