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....Roddy and I went out together today to celebrate our anniversary, He had planned so much and was being so thoughtful, so you know ya girl was finna give him this pussy 😝😝. We were on our way to the hotel Roddy booked for us for the night. "Baby I'm finna call Khalil and Tahani and see what they're up too" I said wanting to call my babies. "Mamas tonight is about you and me and besides my babygirl Tahani gone make sure the house don't burn down and my man Khalil gone make sure Tahani don't let no lil niggas in so relax" Roddy said trying to persuade me not to call them as he pulled up to the hotel. I listened to him, but I just had this gut feeling that something was going down at our house, I mean I was there age once, and hell I thought my ass was grown, I mean that's how they got here in the first place. "Babyyyy" I whined, making us stop in front of the room door, "I have a feelingggg". Roddy sighed knowing that he couldn't win against the mama side of me, especially if he wanted this pussy. "Aight, well call them and if anything's wrong we'll go home ok?" He said sighing again "ok" I replied taking out my phone calling my daughter Tahani. (Y'all I'm sorry ok I'm in love with this name especially how my name begins with T so chill🤣🤣😭😭 if you don't like it🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️) The strange thing though, was that she wasn't picking up, so I called her again "Baby she probably asleep" Roddy said "But, her ringtone loud asf and she's a light sleeper, Tahani always answers on the first ring!" I complained as the feeling in my gut came back stronger. I ended the call and dialed my son, Khalil's number instead and it was the same thing, I called more than once as well and still no answer, that's when Roddy started feeling my worry amd started pacing in the hallway as I dialed the phone between my son and daughter in failure. "Baby prolly they went to the sto? And left they phones home" Roddy tried to reason "Both of them? Leave their phone's home? The way the two of them always on they phone, you'd swear they'd die without it! Them? Leave they phone home Rodrick!?!" I shouted at the end, 'cause I knew my kids and Khalil always answer his phone when he sees it's me and Tahani is always in contact with me. "Something's up" I thought aloud, as Roddy nodded in agreement "Let's go home?" Roddy asked finally coming on my side.
"Mhmm baby let's go" I said as we walked out the hotel.

We turned down our street and it was quiet...too quiet

I kinda hoped I woulda get to whoop some ass, since I ain't got no dick on my anniversary😭😭 We got out the car, honestly relieved, I got all the gifts Roddy and I bought each other out the car (with his help)... but tell me why as I unlocked my front door all I hear is "Uhhhh...Fuckkk....Khalil right there!!" I spin around and looked at Roddy and he looked back at me with the same shock and confusion as both of us ran upstairs and bust open Khalil's door. "Khalillll tell your housekeepers to leave they're looking at me!!!" The white girl who was just getting her back blown out said as she stared at us in scorn. I looked at Rodrick then back to the scene going on in my house "I KNOW THIS LIL STICK BUILT ASS, PORNSTAR FOR A MOMMA LIL BIT- you know what RODRICK GET YO SON AND HIS BITCH NOW!!!" I shouted at Roddy cause if it was up to me chileee "Son?? Lady are you delusional??" The daughter of a karen ass bitch said looking at me as I charged my ass over to her side of the bed and dragged her out my house with just the sheet she had wrapped around her and headed back upstairs to deal with Roddy's son.

I made my way back upstairs to hear Roddy talking to our son, I really couldn't bring myself to deal with him in a civillized way right now, I'd damage him, so instead I stood by the door and listened as Roddy talked to him, letting him know he had no right to be tryna fuck in our house and that he can't have a lil bitch disrespecting his momma. I left Roddy to him, letting them talk it out male to male. I walked to my daughter's room, and knocked before pushing open the door, realizing she wasn't there. I walked to Roddy and I's shared bedroom thinking she'd be there since our room was sound proof and she could drown those clowns out with some music and sure enough, when I opened our bedroom door there she was studying with SZA's good days blasting in the background, she hadn't even noticed me though, so I walked to where the sound system was, turning down the music and finally getting her attention "Baby how were you studying in all this music?" I asked knowing that I myself was the only person in this house that could focus with music blasting, "meh" she said shrugging "I guess I take after my mama in more ways than one". "Why didn't you leave and go to a friend's house?" I asked "I thought you and Dad were gonna just come home so I told myself he'd just get caught" she said shrugging as she laid her head on my shoulder "Oh!? Like the way I know that Kiewan is not just your 'friend'" I said in a suggestive tone "Who's the lil nigga?Bae where my gun at?" Roddy said as he bolted in the room with Khalil not to far behind as they joined us on the bed "I know yo ass didn't come on my bed without showering" I said to Khalil as I playfully kicked him off "no ma I showered!" he replied hopping back on, "Ma, I'm sorry about Sophie and I'm sorry for tryna have sex in you and dad's house" Khalil apologised, Tahani followed with an apology for not telling me and her dad about her boyfriend "Y'all come here " I said puling my family in for a hug "I love y'all bad ass, tryna be grown ass kids but I am 36(pretend🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️) I'm not tryna be no grandma yet" I said as we broke the hug "we love you too" I heard the kids say but I heard Roddy say "Damn...y'all interrupted me from getting y'all another sibling, I just hope we ain't have no more twins y'all bad asf'' Roddy sighed as Khalil and Tahani cringed causing me to smack my teeth and say "but you was tryna make me a grandma??" making everyone laugh.

Ya girl is back at it🙃🙃
And no...I don't think I'll do a part two...maybe...but it won't be as long

Remember y'all can pm me with requests✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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