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This is a preview of my Roddy Ricch Fan Fiction; Reinstitute.

Love. She had so much love for him and when he looked at her, she felt like it was being reciprocated, like she was wanted and needed, like she was his peace as she thought he was hers. Truth is, she felt incomplete because as much as the seemingly loving stares lit up her day, it didn't help that every other girl has been or had been getting them too, it didn't help that she couldn't give him what he wanted sometimes, especially because all of his past lovers could and did. Obviously, with the inability to pleasure him sexually came with insecurities. She saw how he behaved in previous relationships, she herself  could testify of his "Gyalis" lifestyle.

She couldn't count the amount of the different girls that she saw cuddled into his side, perched on his lap, just generally all over him and that was late middle school until around the middle of their freshman year. In high school, it got worse, he'd play these girls like they were some kind of disposable, those who were lucky got recycled once or twice, but he's never had a stable relationship. The same went for her and should've went for all of them, they literally were all fourteen or fifteen while it was still going on. She would look on at him and his 'desire of the day', as she liked to call them, with a mixture of envy and pity.

Envious, that they had been receiving the type of attention she craved for from him, Pitiful because she knew the girl most probably wouldn't make it to last period.

She was also very unsure about him, wondering about what it would be like if they got together, if he would continue his lifestyle behind her back, making her look stupid or if he would get it together.

As the son of the PTA president she'd expected him to be snobby and entitled, not a whore. When she first met him, she could've sworn that he liked her, for a while at least, then he settled into the stereotypical nature of being the popular boy and that's when it began.

She wished that she could go back to how it was when just came, when he always had time for her and she didn't feel like she was a liability.

In the past months the relationship was more strained than it has ever been, she tried to convince herself otherwise, but she knew they were coming to an end. In the past two years, she's never felt more free, ever. She was also considering the idea that he might hang stuff over her head to make her stay and she didn't want to make it worse for herself.

Knowing her parents would probably lock her away from the world if they ever found out that she had been in a relationship right under her nose, lying to there faces and hiding behind their backs. He knew this too and so, she never brought up any of the problems she had with the relationship, in fear that he would do the unthinkable. She really had reason to think that way too, he had publicly humiliated a lot of girls before, not caring at all, then going back about his day like didn't just ruin someone's social life. In short, he was the worst form of a womanizer.

A Gyalis that's what he was.

Seraya's Pov

I forced a giggle in response to Yohan's unfunny joke, once again utilizing my perfect girlfriend facade, Yohan's laugh being the only genuine one among the seemingly amused expressions and sounds. Everyone around the table had become normalized with this now, he said something dumb; laugh, he humiliated somebody; laugh, he got in trouble; back him up  and this program was one I refused to continue. That was easier thought than said or done, due to the fact that I had been in his circle for so long, I had no choice but to only be around "his people" and had no other groups or circles. Having watched him ruin almost over half of the school population's high school career, I knew that by going against him, I would be setting my self up for the same doomed fate.

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