Tahani💗🍼 or Khalil🍼💙 P.2

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...I wanted to tell him I might be pregnant....I continued throwing up in my hunched position with Roddy behind me, rubbing my back and trying to keep himself calm, eventually I was just gagging over the toilet bowl. When I finally felt like that was it for the final time tonight, I stood up and flush the toilet, brushing my teeth. Roddy had left, saying that he was gonna go get something and honestly even with how caring he was being, I was still upset 'cause he up and left again.

I decided to shower again and headed back to bed when Roddy came back with a plastic bag and put it on the bed in front of me. " What's this?" I asked even though I knew it had to be a pregnancy test. "Open the bag shordy" Roddy said as he started pacing the bedroom. I opened the bag to reveal three pregnancy tests, before walking to the bathroom.

It had been about three minutes and we were still waiting for the results, Roddy still pacing the bedroom and I was sitting on the bed with my knees to my chest looking at Roddy. Every time Roddy took a step, my anxiety grew, what if he doesn't want a kid? What if he leaves? What am I gonna tell my baby when it grows up? How am I gonna raise a child by myself?
"Shordy!" Roddy raised his voice, causing me to jump and pull my self out of my thoughts "whatchu thinking 'bout bae? The timer went out a while ago and you didn't hear it" He said joining me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me. "Baby..." he started " hmmm?" I responded, realizing I zoned out again. "whatchu thinking 'bout?" He prompted, I turned to look him in the eyes, afraid to tell him what I was thinking "ba- "I'mafraidyoumightleavemeifI'mreallypregnantandthatIwillhavetoraiseourkidbymyself!" I blurted out quickly then turned my head away from him. "You think I'd leave you?" 'Damn how you catch that?' I thought as I raised my eyebrows. "Shordy, look at me mane!" He said smacking his teeth as he stared at me blankly, slowly, I turned around to face him and I finally saw a mix of hurt and concern in his eyes. When I said nothing, Roddy filled the silence saying " Why would you think sumn like that shordy?" He asked. "You're never home anymore! You don't ever wanna do anything with me and when you are home, you avoid me!" I shouted unexpectedly, followed by me murmuring "what else you want me to think?".

"I'm sorry shordy, but I'm bout to release a new album I'mma need to be in the studio often bae" He said rubbing my back. After we sat in a comfortable silence, finally letting go of the tension and anxiety, Roddy said "How bout we check out the results?".

I stood up at the bathroom door, not wanting to enter "I'm scared right now baby" I said to Roddy, who stood beside me. "Well lemme check and then I'mma tell you" he said as I stepped aside and let him go in, he stayed in there for a good minute before coming out cheesing. "Am I??" I asked referring to the tests in his hands. He didn't answer me but imstead rubbed my stomach and said "This yo' daddy talking Tahani or Khalil"


Thailand: Roddy Ricch Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now