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[Hey, my amazing readers! I was actually not gonna update this story right now, but the supposed TS I'm working on.

But I'm just so very happy as this book of mine has won the second place in Pranbir fandom in the Esthetique Royal Awards 2020. I'm so thankful to all of you for supporting me, and this is just my gift to you all.

So really hope you like it.

And well, this can be called as a New Year gift as well, can't it?

So A Very Happy New Year to all! ]


Aryan sauntered into the large room with Prachi following him closely behind. As she entered through the door, her eyes reflexively began to examine the entire area.

The brightly lit room looked more like a secluded cabin in a workplace than one in a house. The large, rectangular area seemed almost divided into two portions with the help of an invisible wall. The first half of the room contained a large, modern, wooden table placed at almost the side of the room. A grand swivel chair was placed at the other side, with two chairs on the opposite side, facing it. The desk was covered with an open laptop, some files stacked at a side, and some papers scattered over the middle.

While the other portion contained couches placed in a formal manner with a comparatively small and empty table at the centre. The walls were almost covered by grand shelves which had numerous books, papers and files neatly stacked in them.

The air held a professional aroma, and as she glanced around the room, her eyes met with numerous frames attached to the wall just behind the large couch in a particular fashion. The frames were embedded with not a single photograph, but only accreditations all around, while the shelves were adorned with various awards of different kinds. The Knight seemed laudable, after all. As the thought flitted across her mind, she was suddenly pulled out of her trance by a manly voice.

"Miss Prachi." She looked around to see Aryan, who had already settled on the seat opposite to her, staring at her with his elbows on the desk, his locked fingers placed before his chin.

"First of all, I would like to tell you some very important things." Continued Aryan, without waiting for any supposed response from her. "Number one, this job is new for you. And by new, I mean new. Whatever jobs you might have done before, I don't care what your performance had been there, but here, no mistakes shall be tolerated. Number two, whatever you do, whatever is going on in your personal or whatsoever life, I don't care about that. When you to be here, means you have to be here. I believe your slot will be from six in the morning to six in the evening. And between that time slot, I want you present with RK every single second, physically as well as mentally. Number three, never try to outsmart me. Your one mistake can lead to disastrous consequences. Number four, keep your eyes as well as ears open all the time. You'll be provided with the necessary weapons, which you can use as per the requirements. Your remunerations will depend on your service. Number five, never take any of it for granted. Sincerity and honesty towards what you're doing here should be your topmost trait. Every single detail ever given to you should be kept confidential forever. And number six, never forget number five." Aryan completed in an authoritative voice with a stern expression on his face, as Prachi gave a hard nod.

Aryan began checking something on his laptop, while Prachi's eyes suddenly landed on something suspicious kept on the table before her. There just beside his laptop lied a paper. Half of it was almost covered by a file kept just over it. However, from the part that was visible, her eyes landed on the most significant parts of the paper, which were some red crosses scattered over it in various directions. Scrutinising the paper, she could make out different areas of it being separated with lines, probably symbolising something, which were scattered over the paper in a finer font. Was it a plan of something? But then why were there red crosses on it? Moreover, what was it doing here?

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