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Prachi gave RK a questioning look.

RK was trusting her to spy on someone?

"There's this person-" He continued. "-I really wanna know something about. I really wanna know where she gets all the audacity and guts from. The insolence. That she shows me every time by defying everything I say."

Yep, that made much more sense.

"I'm not here to defy any of your orders, Sir." Prachi replied as she got the implication of his words. "As it is, I'm not bound to obey them anymore."

"You're not bound to wag your tail behind me anymore too." RK gritted his teeth. As if her presence alone wasn't enough to kill his peace, she dares to reply everytime too.

"Too loyal a breed?" He mocked her.

"Too responsible a human." Prachi retorted immediately. "Not my fault if breeds come to you first. People tend to favour their kinds, anyways."

"Is that, Miss Equal? Is that why you favour still wagging your tail behind me no matter how much I humiliate you? Don't wanna betray your kind, I see."

"Not my concern who you associate 'responsibility' with. I happen to associate it with, I don't know, humans?" Prachi cocked her brow at the last word in mock surprise.

RK let out a fabricated bitter chuckle at that. 

"Human? Responsibility? And you? All combined? So, finally you accept you're no match to RK, Miss So Called Equal." Said he as she continued to look at him with an unaffected gaze. 

"Like I had said, I am not human." He repeated his words from their conversation the previous night. "I am not human, in every sense the word stands for. So, stop trying to indulge with me every second of your irrational existence." 

He took a step closer to her, his drenched face even nearer to her fierce gaze, before her spoke next.

"Stay. Away. From. Me. The sooner you get it through your thick, good-for-nothing head, the better." RK almost hissed with a menacing tone. And with the limited distance they shared, Prachi could almost feel, as well as hear his breaths with each word. 

"And if I don't?" Prachi interrogated, eyes locked with his. "Can the irresponsible, inhuman RK not even tolerate a responsible woman he had hired himself in his own fit of rage to prove some nonexistent superiority?" RK's fists tightened as he heard her words of derision. 

"Do I really need to help you even with tolerating me? Let me tell you, then. We're still equals. Don't worry. I've no more interest in watching your face every minute of my life than you do."

"That's good." RK replied without missing a beat. "That's really good you don't. Good for you. Cuz you certainly won't be able to help yourself  in saving you if you cross my paths."

"Let me help you this time." RK stated after a pause. 

And without another word, he started stepping backwards, eyes still lingering on hers. Moving out of the white, clear umbrella she had been holding over their heads, RK once again stepped out into the rain, and the droplets continued to drench his already wet self once again.



Aryan sighed for the fourth time. Yes, he was counting.

Why was he always the one to be caught in traffic jams?  

He checked his watch again. 7:45 am. Then checked his phone lying on the passenger seat next to him. Still nothing from home. RK was late today. More than he ever was. Well, he never was late. But today somehow he had still been sleeping while Aryan was ready to leave for work. And so, he did not disturb him after the hectic schedule the office had had the day before.

Amour Vindicatif : Love Of The Callous HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now