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What happens when love, the most beautiful feeling in the world, turns into the most disastrous one?

Love for someone, selfless love, has the power to produce vibrations in the chest of a devil.
While love, selfless love, also holds the power to turn a once vibrant heart into a cold piece of stone.

But what when love is everything you want, and the only thing you are determined to stay away from? When YOU are the devil, fallen in this love with another cold heart? Will it prove to be the selfless one? Or will it unveil with time to show its disastrous colours?


The silent dark sky was flawlessly decorated with the blend of different hues, each tinting the sky with their own glamour, accompanied by the white angelic shimmer of the glowing moon. The atmosphere was perfectly woven with the melodious yet zealous tune that had covered the entire area. The cool breeze had been embedded with the loud, enthusiastic screams of thousands of people. The quiet sky as well the as the exhilarating air seemed to reverberate with the echoes of thousands of voices, screaming in synchronisation, their voices yelling just one name.
As the tune increased its intensity, the intensity of the shouts originating from the enormous crowd gathered below increased too. The lights that had been spreading their shining glamour across the sky suddenly seemed to gather at a point just above the centre spot, before rotating in a three hundred and sixty degree angle, concentrating all of their enthusiastic pigments at the centre spot, while the surroundings simultaneously got covered with a blanket of sheer darkness, surrounded by the echoes that had been increasing their magnitude with every passing second.

As the lights experienced a drastic change of colour, turning from a mixture of bright shades into one with a slight greyish tint mixed with a scarlet hue, a silhouette appearing to belong to a young figure came into view. With its each advancing step, the exhilaration of the crowd only managed to expand itself. As the silhouette approached closer to the centre spot, the lights following his trail throughout, it gradually began to fit into the description of a young man with handsome features, broad shoulders and an ideal shape, walking towards the screaming crowd with a long object held in one of his hands. His black attire was accompanied by his glamourous golden jacket, which was unzipped, revealing the initials 'RK' hanging in front of his chest, through a thick chain round his neck.

Approaching the extreme centre spot, he touched his lips with his free hand, before blowing off a kiss in the direction of the shouting voices, to which the crowd responded with another howl.
The figure placed the object that had been in his hands around his neck with the help of the strap attached to it, before placing his hand on his ear, adjusting his shoulder microphone. He closed his eyes as the enchanting music began to fill the entire area, while another set of lights started to caress his figure in a zig-zag manner from behind him.

There on the stage he was. The person who flawlessly depicted each and every emotion he intended to through his voice. The person who had set a new standard for music. The person who had accomplished all that he had ever wanted to in life. The person whose voice had been a cure to numerous broken souls. The person who ruled millions of hearts, with a frozen piece of stone in his own chest. And the person whose life appeared to mirror the definition of 'perfection' - to the world.

As he opened his lids, his eyes met with a huge crowd, shouting and screaming enthusiastically before him, their synchronised voices chanting just one name. "RK! RK! RK!"

His face had been hardened like ever. His cold eyes swept across the crowd once, before he closed them once again, striking the strings of his favorite musical instrument, as the crowd replied with yet another round of howls.

Amour Vindicatif : Love Of The Callous HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now