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"And I wondered if a memory is something you have or something you've lost."

- Another Woman


Thud. Thud. Thud.

She could hear the plodding of the heavy boots grow louder with each step as it hit the hard floor. Simultaneously, her knuckles snaked around the body of the gun even tighter. The hold of her fingers on the cushion behind his back grew stronger, her arm protectively surrounding the unconscious man - his head still on her shoulder - inches apart from her.

She swept her alert gaze swiftly across the large room, detecting profound silence all around her apart from the approaching footsteps. The wide windows to the cabin were all shut and locked, unlike the cabin door. So she decided to move towards the only possible source of threat to the room.

She placed her hand lightly at back of his head and laid it placidly on the head rest of the couch. Before moving cautiously towards the direction of the uninvited guest, her gun now raised in the air and both her palms securing it tightly.

Prachi stopped next to the door silently, so as to be present behind it when it opened, and almost immediately she saw the doorknob turn. The door creaked open slowly and a man stepped inside the cabin, his back facing her. Not another second passed before the man found his body almost locked, unable to move - due to fear. The cabin door was banged shut out of the blue and the only thing he heard followed by the harsh noise of that was a bold voice from right behind him.

"No movements." Rang the words close to his ear. He felt something - his only guess would be a pistol - pressed almost painfully strong against his back. As soon as the realisation dawned on him, he instinctively raised his hands in the air, frowning evidently.

She had judged the man quickly - slow and unarmed. And probably alone. But she knew better than to take an unarmed person to be completely harmless. Though, she was almost sure he was alone. Her sharp senses had heard nothing else. And she had her confidence in them. The only disappointment was, it won't be as fun to take such a person down.

"Don't try to act-" She said, increasing the pressure of her finger on the trigger.

"Miss Prachi-" The sound of the familiar voice cut her off suddenly. "-It's me!"

She immediately dropped her gun, taking a step in the backwards direction and placing her gun in the holster tied across her waist.

Aryan turned to her, baffled.

What in the name of personal bodyguards was that?! He was almost about to have been dead this very second.

"I apologise, Sir." Prachi admitted conscientiously. "I was not aware of you coming here right now."

Aryan took a deep sigh of relief, placing a hand on his waist and the other over his heart, rubbing his chest lightly.

"That's all?" Aryan was still not composed. "You decide to kill a man cuz you were not expecting him?" He raised at brow at her, his heart still stuck in those two seconds of absolute terror.

He was absolutely exhausted by now, credits to the recent events, but somehow had gathered himself to drag his feet to the office once to check on RK before heading home and falling into bed straight away. And the last thing he wanted to see was a pistol welcoming him there.

"I've seen you're exceptionally good, Miss Prachi! But please go easy a little bit. Not all of us in this building here want to kill RK."

Prachi just lightly nodded her head once.

Amour Vindicatif : Love Of The Callous HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now