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Prachi looked at RK with no change in her expressions. He stared back at her with his sense of superiority radiating from every inch of his otherwise straight face.

'What will you do now, Miss Damsel? It's your fate do bow before me. Fate that I've written for you.'

Prachi moved towards RK as ordered by him. As she stood just before his chair, he gestured with his eyes towards his shoes. Her gaze followed his, landing on the pair of shoes smudged with coffee. Without wasting another of her words, she lifted her own feet in a swift motion and wiped the sole of her shoe across his black, leather one.

The movement plated a ragged layer of dirt over the wet remains of coffee on RK's shoe.

The air stilled for a moment, none of them speaking anything. RK felt his veins suddenly burn up with sheer rage as the totally unexpected act gradually registered in his mind. The woman stood there before him, her insolent eyes looking at his shoes, and then the lids lifting up to see his face with a calm expression. His fingers and toes curled themselves with extreme anger as soon as his eyes met hers.

He dropped his gaze to see his spoilt shoe, then back at her who still appeared to be in the calmest of her expressions.

"Oh-" She spoke as soon as she saw him turn his gaze back to her. "-By any chance, did you mean you wanted me to clean your shoes with my hands?" RK simply glared daggers at her without a word.

Who. On. Earth. Does. She. THINK. Of. Herself?!

"You should have been clear then, RK Sir. We guards are taught to achieve our missions with the quickest way possible, unless specified." Prachi informed him, giving his intense glare a last look before turning to the table beside her.

And RK was silent. For a little too long. And his silence at the audacity of the woman began to resemble that before a storm.

'You shouldn't have done this, insolent damsel.'

His seething look intently followed her with a silent, immense fury as she picked up some files from the table, arranged the stack in order, wrote something at the top, and moved towards one of the large shelves.

Prachi placed the files on the white shelf, aware of RK's intense glare on her from behind her all through the while. She then heard footsteps coming towards her slowly, and proceeding to a stop right behind her.

She didn't need a second thought to know who they belonged to. Giving it the least of her attention, she turned around only to clash with RK who was standing closer to her than she had anticipated, his eyes staring at her intently.

The marker in her hand fell to the floor with a light thud due to the unexpected collision. Prachi returned RK a cold look, before sitting down on a knee to pick up the fallen object.

As her fingers curled around the sleek, black material, a heavy weight seemed to pull it to the ground before she could even lift it off the floor. Simultaneously, a black shoe entered her peripheral vision and RK's foot froze the marker and Prachi's hand to the their respective spots as it lay on the pen with force.

"Exactly that." He almost hissed, his teeth gritted tightly. Prachi didn't bother to look up to see him speaking.

"That is your position before me." RK continued. "Under my shoes for the rest of your life. Which I must tell you, is a much better place for you to be in than you can ever deserve. So curb all your over smartness."

RK slid his shoe on the marker vaguely, such that the outsole of his shoe almost touched Prachi's hand which still lay at its position without any movement at the touch. The tip of the shoe faintly pressed forward, stopping before it could lean on her hand.

Amour Vindicatif : Love Of The Callous HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now